Sunday 6 February 2011

3 cheers for Teddy

Three cheers for Teddy!!!!!

Finally we have our trial run loaded! He's very tired now as he did a night shift trying to upload it.

Thanks everyone for your lovely comments on our first attempt yesterday! The "panter" in the video was Cora. She had just done her warmup of 50 laps of the garden at 100 mph!

To help our viewers Cora has the purple collar and is the athlete amongst us. Teddy has the Blue collar. Not sure where Holly's collar went! Webster is sitting this one out.

Teddy says it was actually the blogger that was the problem!

Off for a sleepie now as its pouring down here!

Big Nose Pokes

The Thuglets xx


George The Lad said...

That's funny how it rolls about, to must be a great game running though it ;)
See Yea George xxx

The Boston Lady said...

Yay Teddy! Now will you please come over here and be my techie? I loved the "tube monster"! Ann TBL

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hello everyone, I'm more impressed - yeah Teddy. You're a techie. Cora is very fast and jumps very well. Holly looked like she was having fun too. I'll have to get my mum to hurry up and design an indoor course for me and Sunshade. I wonder if my cart will "fit" through a tunnel...hmmm. Maybe we could all play together?

Wyatt said...

You Dales are just too funny! That is why I only do agility for fun and don't try to's more fun to do it the Airedale Way!!


violett said...

So a fun! In the dog school we also have thus a long tunnel. Mummy considers to shop thus a tunnel. Now she has seen the video and wants to buy immediately one. We will go with ebay look.
Lots of love

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

How funny!!! We wonder what happens inside there when one thuglet wants to go one way and another thuglet wants to go the other way:) Traffic jam!!!

Cute video.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Kari in Alaska said...

Hip Hip Hooray Teddy!


Jans Funny Farm said...

It's funny when the tube starts rolling. :)

Duke said...

We're not sure that you could get us to go inside that tube but you guys sure make it look like fun!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Good job, Teddy!
A tunnel congestion!
I am not so sure I'd like to be there inside while the tube is rolling!
Kisses and hugs

Unknown said...

Oh, I love the rolling tunnel! It seems it's full of fun there and everyone had a go! what a great game for all of you.

julee said...

You guys look like you have some much fun in the tunnel. I have a smaller one and am alittle scared of it. After watching your videos maybe I'll try it out!

Remington said...

You certainly have a fun toy there, my friends!

Terrorzinhos said...

Hi there!
Thank's for stoping by my blog!
You can translate it, using google translator!
You are sooo cute!!!
We will be following your adventures!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I would be a little afraid if it was me. You guys are brave

Persephone and Buster said...

what fun you are having... and with green grass instead of SNOW!!! love the tunnel attached to the tunnel.. hey, we have a tunnel we could add it to your two --- sort of like taking a trip to france.... only we can turn around...sort of a swimmer's turn.
so now we expect (since you are now up on the art of video) to see more moving thuglets..
theBUSTER, Ms.Blue,Ms.Persephone and ms. grrracie too

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! FUN FUN FUN Toy. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Sally said...

I like your video.
Its so fun. :-)

Nice woooh

Thor and Jack said...

That's a cool toy! Have fun!

FiveSibesMom said...

What fun! They are just too cute!

Rudy said...

That looks like too much fun!! Great job Teddy. I heard all that panting, started barking and ran to the door. Guess I thought you were really here to play :)

Kodiak Grandson Falcon said...

Hi Thanks for stopping in. There is just to much snowaround here. Think we will take the first plane to FL. HA We should be so lucky.
Love Ya
Falcon & Jasper