Thursday 10 February 2011

Clicking along

Cora...Well do we need to tell you it was raining?

Holly..yep it was raining

Teddy is a bit wet

Crikey...have you seen the floor? Covered in wet Paw Prints!

Someone ain't going to be impressed

Holly...nothing to do with me honest

Teddy ....but the floor will wash?

I hope I don't have to clean it..says Cora

Someone just woke up and couldn't do a thing with his hair! He certainly wasn't going out to get wet! No way...........said Webster

Teddy decided to dry off under the butchers block...

I'm almost dry now...Cora


dare I come out now........

This morning the sun popped out and it was Timothys turn..

We thought he had a bad case of dandruff.. phew its his wood shaving bedding

Teddy & Cora stopped for a pose

Heck.....Teddy as you will see has lost some of his coat. Did it shrink in all that rain?

Cora........... time for a spot of diggin

Do you think they will know it was me diggin?

No..I am sure no one will know

quick lick just in case!

Quick time for an innocent pose

Teddy ok ok OK... I know I need to let her finish me airedo. I'm still a tatty head!

Have a fun week everyone and be good! Guess it will be more camera practise for us! LOL
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx


The Black and Tans. said...

You got wet!!!
We don't "do" rain here.
Much prefer to stay indoors and get under the hooman's feet.

MOlly, Taffy and Monty

Agatha and Archie said...

Well at least it isn't here the Tundra.....WE WANT SPRING sorry got carried away....How do they always know who it was that was digging? Happens here as well.. Love A+A

Kari in Alaska said...

wow you guys sure don't seem to mind the rain!


brooke said...

That's a lot of wet doggies! Darwin hates the rain!

Inky and Molly said...

You kids sure did get drenched in that rain. Happy Mopping to your pink people!!

The Boston Lady said...

I'm glad you all don't shrink when you get wet like that. Good job on the pictures. Have a great weekend! Ann

Two French Bulldogs said...

You are adorable! Love the pictures. Do we see wet feet prints, BOL
Benny & Lily

Thor and Jack said...

I wanna be a wet doggie just like you today! It's hot, hot, hot!

Wyatt said...

Your floor, looks just like our floor!! Your holes in the yard, look just like our holes in the yard!! Your wet Dales, look just like our wet Dales!!


Lorenza said...

All wet!
You are lucky! My mom never lets me go out when is raining! Hmmm....
Cora... don't worry! Nobody will know you were digging! Promise!
Kisses and hugs

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Thuglets, you sure did look wet. Gives you an extra curly look. Thanks for the photo of Timothy. What a sweetheart. Take care all, no worries, love Carol. p.s. I don't think anyone would have noticed the digging!

Barbara said...

Wow, did you get wet!! Your hole is excellent, but humans seem to dislike digging. It's good of you to help.

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Wow, those are great pictures. Teddy obviously has read the quick start guide and shown your mom exactly what to do. We're very impressed on this end. Such a beautiful family. Photograph very well.

Duke said...

They will never suspect for digging now, Cora! Believe it or not, our mom loves our wet Dale scent. She says we smell like a wet wool sweater!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

Playing in the rain must be fun! My mom never allows me to play in the rain, she said it's difficult to make me dry after that.

Sherry said...

Towels, lots and lots of towels.

Alanis & Miro

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! SO CUTE ... I say great camera clicks. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Terrorzinhos said...

We hate rain!
But we love diggin!
Great pictures!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

It's been pretty wet at this end too and #1 has been busy with the towel every time I come in from playing outside.It's a good job I'm well trained!


George The Lad said...

Like I've said before, you have so much fun you can see it on your faces ;)
Mom's doing a great job with that camera and a love seeing all your fun and games ;)
See yea George xxx
Its Sunday a suppose you got yorksire pubbing?
I haven't:(

violett said...

You are all so cute!
And how innocent you look in the world!
Lots of love
Mischka, the Cracker Dog
Today I stand on the vote in Best of Show at Mango Minster

Rudy said...

Oh we love this bloggie entry and all the pictures and commentating going on!! You are all so adorable.
