Thursday 23 June 2011

D Day

We named Tuesday ........"D Day"

Tuesday was 21st June

our beautiful Dorcus would have been 6

We decided we would not be gloomy,gloomy and sad.

. We would celebrate and remember happy times.

We had a special D Day cakie

 cut nicely into 4 ..

 Served up ready...

 Looks daleicious says Webster

 Smells daleicious (even with a feather on my nose) says Cora

 Corr....looks yummy says Holly

 Do we have to wait much longer..asks Teddy

 Tuckin in....

 Tastes better out of the bowl...

Absolutely yummy says Webster... 

 Only a few crumbs left..bowl lickin time

 Scrummy yummy...lip lickin daleicious

 Wow..lots of prezzies

Whoo hooo ...... let me at em..says Cora

Fun time.... we're off

Mine says Holly...

We all got something......

Webster & Teddy played tug ..tug   TUGGIE..

We all had a lovely, lovely time celebrating  "D Day" and remembering happy times with Dorcus!  

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

It's with great sadness we learnt  Carol from Down Under has had to say goodbye to her lovely girl Kara.  Carol sadly lost her beautiful young boy Bruce in November of last year.  Sending Carol and her family lots of thoughts and hugs. x

Monday 20 June 2011

What a week

What a week....we were shocked and stunned to receive the " Inspiration Award" from Wyatt. Thank you so much Wyatt we feel very special.

Now we would like to share our award with 7 blogs we love and find inspirational. They make us laugh, they make us cry, they tell us stories, show us fabulous pictures and inspire us.

Oh gosh this was soooo many terrific bloggies..

Then we were lucky to have marrowbones --- Webster likes his muddie

Holly won't be distracted.....

Teddy quiet for a change........

We couldn't find Cora and her bone! LOL

Teddy and Cora found time for a few ball games.....

Come here ball says Teddy......

How many have you got Cora? I've got two says Teddy

Ball games are hard work...

But fun..

Cora ....I rather like this new blue ball

Then imagine our surprise when George the Lad dropped in .... WOOO HOOOOO we are winners we won Boomer's Book! Thank you George.


Big Nose Pokes

The Thugletsx

Friday 10 June 2011

5 Today!

Happy Birthday Cora

5 Today!!

we cut my cakie into 4!

Cora smells pretty daleicious to me........ even if the wind did keep blowin my candles out

Yep definately ......DALEICIOUS

Holly and I wondered if there might be some more?

Cora I am havin a lovely time for games!

Big Nose Pokes

The Thugletsx

Special birthday wishes to my big brothers Dave & Flash and sister Una!xx

Monday 6 June 2011

The Inside Story

The famous Thuglet Tunnel shrouded in mystery!

But what happens inside at FUN TIME ?????

The tunnel is known to be long and not a place for the hoomans.....

With no Protective Equipment or little regard for safety our

undercover Day-le Reporter followed a thuglet into the tunnel.......

A meeting happened and then.....




Teddy.."did anyone hear a camera click then"?


Tumble ....

Believed to be the ring leader....

What the public get to see....

We hope you enjoyed the Day-le report!

Big Nose Pokes

The Thuglets xxxx