Saturday 26 February 2011

Peek a Boo

Peek a boo we're watchin you!

It was raining hard so what can we Eye Spy?

Peek a boo ..I spy with my beautiful eyes....but the question is who am I ?

Peek a Boo..I'm here too..these eyes belong to who?

Peek a boo do you do! Can you guess me too?

Peek a boo...hello to you! Now who am I ? Lets play eye spy!

Don't you think eyes say so much,they are so expressive and beautiful!

Peek a boo we loved seeing you. Have a brilliant weekend!

Big Nose Pokes

The Thugletsx

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Guess Who

Boo! Ha Ha

it's me Teddy..I had just had some yummy yogurt!

Lately I have been called "Teddy Tatty Head" by some around here!

So time I had a revamp and it has begun. Break time we found some bandana's so decided to have a play..well actually I didn't...I just had to be the model!

This is the "commando" look.......

This is the "tartan" look.......

You can tell how much I am enjoying this?

Yep..thanks glad thats over! I have lost quite a bit of me hair as you can see...

Dread to think whats in store for me tomorrow! More hair loss I suspect! LOL

Don't tell the others, but I did actually have a lot of fun today! I got to have lots of cuddles and tastie treats for being a very good boy and of course for being my gorgeous self!
Bye for now!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Friday 18 February 2011

Fun Time

Time for a bit of fun and naturally it involved models and the camera!

Holly the wildchild!

Come on you lot.......time for some action

Come on Cora over you go says Teddy (who ran round) show me and Holly what to do!

Demonstration from Cora....A clean pair of paws!

Back ..... like this.............

Holly.... can someone help me out? I don't know what to do next ....

Cora it's easy.. follow my paws. May be try one paw at a time

Are you watchin? Helloooo......can someone give me a paw up please?

I do worry about her ...says Teddy

She's quite mad..once she starts ...there no stoppin her!

See what I mean?

definately quite mad!

Action Girl....

Ready to go again ..says Cora
Wicked..I'm having so much fun!
Cora had a ball, Teddy and Holly still have to get over the tunnel!
We took 198 piccies! Bet you are glad we didn't have time to post them all LOL

Have a great weekend everyone.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
P.S. Webster was fast asleep in the warmth!

Sunday 13 February 2011

Proof of The Pud!

Well it's sunday so what better test for the new camera than Yorkie Pud!
Degredients for Yorkie Pud
Eggies into the flour ..ready to beat into a batter using paw power
Noses checkin the batter ........looking good and smelling good

Batter into the hot fat........ ready for the oven. Must not burn our paws or noses!

Result..Yorkie Puddie

Webster......Absolutely Daleicious

Yep definately a winner!
Big Nose Pokes

The Thugletsx
P.S. To George The Lad..we have saved you a slice of our Yorkie Pubby!

Thursday 10 February 2011

Clicking along

Cora...Well do we need to tell you it was raining?

Holly..yep it was raining

Teddy is a bit wet

Crikey...have you seen the floor? Covered in wet Paw Prints!

Someone ain't going to be impressed

Holly...nothing to do with me honest

Teddy ....but the floor will wash?

I hope I don't have to clean it..says Cora

Someone just woke up and couldn't do a thing with his hair! He certainly wasn't going out to get wet! No way...........said Webster

Teddy decided to dry off under the butchers block...

I'm almost dry now...Cora


dare I come out now........

This morning the sun popped out and it was Timothys turn..

We thought he had a bad case of dandruff.. phew its his wood shaving bedding

Teddy & Cora stopped for a pose

Heck.....Teddy as you will see has lost some of his coat. Did it shrink in all that rain?

Cora........... time for a spot of diggin

Do you think they will know it was me diggin?

No..I am sure no one will know

quick lick just in case!

Quick time for an innocent pose

Teddy ok ok OK... I know I need to let her finish me airedo. I'm still a tatty head!

Have a fun week everyone and be good! Guess it will be more camera practise for us! LOL
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx