Helloooooooooooooooooooooo its me Teddy just popped out to say HellooooooooYES it's us....we know we said last year that we would be back soon?Well it took a little longer than we thought! A whole year. Bloomindaleheck!We have loads to tell, but today has to be a quickie! Cos I am very busy. LOL Cora our Scottish Princess was 4 last week. She still likes to style herself sort of a bit Zandra Rhodes V Vivien Westood!
Holly is a sun goddess!
Ellie is now 12yrs & 6mths old.
She had us a bit worried recently as she lost a lot of weight. A trip to the vets last week 2 horrid old tootie pegs removed and she is on top form. Brillo paws!
Oh flippin heck..Webster & Dorcus have called time on me puter time. Between you and me....I fink its only cos they don't want me to put their photos up!
Ha ha I'll be on the case soooooooooooooon.
Big Nose Pokes
Teddy the Rocket Man & the thuglets.
P.S. We have a Mega amount of blog reading to do!