Monday 14 March 2011

Nose Poke Winner Announced

Helloooooooo from us!

Time to reveal our Nose Pokes..............whose nose was who?

Nose Poke 1.......................

It was ME..................Holly!

Nose Poke 2........................

This was me...........Webster!

Nose Poke 3........

Now that was ME..............Cora!

Nose Poke 4........

Well now it can only be ME...............Teddy!

So with great excitment it's time to announce the winners.................

Maggie & Mitch

Congratwoofalations to Maggie & Mitch. They were infact the only ones to guess they made selecting the winner very easy for us!

We had you fooled.....most entries thought Nose 1 was Cora. Thankfully we nose whose nose was whose! LOL

Thank you to everyone that joined in the fun!

Well were back, actually we the Thuglets haven't been anywhere. We have been here at Base Camp Thuglet with our "Fairy Dog Mother" supervising operations, whilst the hoomans went trippin again! We are sure they will be telling you where they went sometime soon.

So we have lots of bloggies to read, so forgive us if it takes awhile to catch up.

Big Nose Pokes

The Thugletsx

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Nose Pokes

Hi everyone

well we thought you we all having so much fun with "peekaboo" that it was time to have some fun with "Nose Pokes"!

So............... here are our 4 noses!

Nose Poke 1........... is it me?

Nose Poke 2.... it could be me?

Nose Poke 3........... but this could be me!

Nose Poke 4...... ha ha is it me?

We have a very busy schedule for the next two weeks and may not get time to blog.
Your task should you choose to accept which nose belongs to which one of us?
We have had a committee meeting and decided to offer a prize for the first correct answer!
Now all you have to do is decide whose"Nose Poke" belongs to who and email your answer to us at
A winner will be selected at random by our paws from all the correct entries to the "Nose Pokes" on Sunday 13th March!
Happy Nose Pokes!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
p.s. Comments have been disabled on this post. Email entries only!
You can have as many guesses as you like! Come on folks!
Play dip dip dip! But do have a go!