Friday 18 February 2011

Fun Time

Time for a bit of fun and naturally it involved models and the camera!

Holly the wildchild!

Come on you lot.......time for some action

Come on Cora over you go says Teddy (who ran round) show me and Holly what to do!

Demonstration from Cora....A clean pair of paws!

Back ..... like this.............

Holly.... can someone help me out? I don't know what to do next ....

Cora it's easy.. follow my paws. May be try one paw at a time

Are you watchin? Helloooo......can someone give me a paw up please?

I do worry about her ...says Teddy

She's quite mad..once she starts ...there no stoppin her!

See what I mean?

definately quite mad!

Action Girl....

Ready to go again ..says Cora
Wicked..I'm having so much fun!
Cora had a ball, Teddy and Holly still have to get over the tunnel!
We took 198 piccies! Bet you are glad we didn't have time to post them all LOL

Have a great weekend everyone.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
P.S. Webster was fast asleep in the warmth!


rottrover said...

What fun! But aren't you supposed to go THROUGH the tunnel? Just wondering...

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

Barbara said...

I was wondering about going THROUGH the tunnel too! But you sure have the going OVER the tunnel down!!

violett said...

Wonderful sharp motion pictures. Airedales in Action!
The new camera is good!
And for the next photo, it goes through the tunnel?
Have a nice weekend
Lots of love
Mischka and violett

Kari in Alaska said...

Those over the tunnel pics are super cute but I don't think thats how its supposed to be used!


George The Lad said...

lol!!! some funny photos.
Have a Great weekend, and save me some more yorkshire ;)
See Yea George xxx

Deetz said...

You kids are TOO funny! Love and miss seeing your photos

brooke said...

198! Thats impressive! hehehehe
Fun tunnel action!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ciara and Cora would have so much fun together. We are learning something new about that tunnel - here we have always been thinking it was something to run through, not over. BOL

Have a great weekend.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Teddy Bear said...

You guys are having so much fun. We love it!:)

Teddy Bear

The Black and Tans. said...

Happy weekend Thuglets. Be good.

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Duke said...

What great action shots! That tunnel is sure seeing some abuse today! haha

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Sure you had a very fun time there!
Through the tunnel... over the tunnel... Who cares... as long as you enjoy it!
Have a great weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Wyatt said...

You Thuglets crack us up, the way you play with your tunnel. Leave it to an Airedale, to reinvent the game!!

Wyatt and Stanzie

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi guys, that's great. I'm glad that you're mom's making good use of that fancy camera. Lots of pictures is a good thing and everyone is so happy to be outside on a dry day.

Unknown said...

What a new inventive way of using the tunnel! I'm sure jumping over is much better than running through it.
I see green grass, spring is here soon!!!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Can I come over and play too?


The Boston Lady said...

Cora, you are a tremendous dog-athlete! Love the pictures with Teddy looking and "talking" to camera! Ann

Dexter said...

I never knew the tunnel was also a jump. I'll have to try that sometime.


TwoSpecialWires said...

Great fun! Your smiles (and tails) tell it all!

Jake and Fergi

cherie said...

Thank you for your comment on our loss of Caleb.
After viewing your beautiful pictures I see that you experienced two losses last fall. I am sorry for the pain you must have experienced losing two of your furbabies around the same time.At least we know they are in a better place and we will see them again.

Sherry said...

What a lot of jumping! Wish I could play with you.
I am too ladylike to jump over things.

FiveSibesMom said...

What fantastic and fun shots of your beautiful furbabies!!!

Your mum x said...

I dunno......we'd probably have got thru most of 'em......

Anonymous said...

you all look like you had a great time together. And as for the tunnel, some of us pooches don't like the tunnel either.


STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Thuglets, do you guys ever get tired? Looks like you had a blast. No worries, love Carol.

Amber-Mae said...

Hey guys! Thanks for dropping by my blog & leaving a comment too.

Haha! I love jumping over the tunnel too. It's fun!! Great pictures & it sure looked like you guys had a very fun-filled day.

Hollie and Janie said...

Oh my! That looks like so much fun! I'd much rather jump on top of the tunnel, too!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Such pawesome pikhs AND SOOOOOO much fun!


Rudy said...

What fun you Thuglets have! Love the pictures. ARe you kidding, me and mom would have loved to view your 198 pictures :)
