Monday 4 August 2008

Rub a dub dub

Teddy says "time for the bath tub was what I heard" ....I was rather puzzled as I didn't know what they meant
I soon found out cos I was first!!

Dorcus was next but soon decided she'd had enough!!! She tried to make her getaway before the camera!

Webster's turn......
Holly ...... they bathed me as well!

Then Webster re appeared. Gosh Webster..what have u been doing? You do look scary!!

Webster had decided to dry himself off , by rubbing on the wooden green tavernas we have in the yard! LOL
There was a moment of panic when we thought he had actually turned green for good! yikes

Well it was a bit of fun! I'm just a fun type guy...said Webster

As you can imagine after everyone stopped falling about laughing..(we thought K was gonna pee her pants!) Webster the green boy had to be re washed! LOL

Cora's turn..and she has to have the flippin camera out !

Ellie clearly not amused! We think she was trying to get her ears to fly her out of the tub!
Ellie well a girl has to dry off somehow!

Actually we did have a bit of fun ..cos we managed to soak K&A during the tin bath time.....but there was no sign of the camera!

Hope everyone is well..we have loads of catching up to do!

Big Nose Pokes

The Thugletsx