Saturday 28 January 2012

Saturday Morning

Well Saturday morning here again at Base Camp Thuglet

Webster had just got up and couldn't do a thing with his beard!

Cora was zoomin around 

Rocketman was on a where or what ..who knows?

Cora .... the stupid weather person promised us snow this weekend

This is the closest to snow we got.......snowdrops!

Holly was calling for breakie

Tims asked if anyone could shut her up..I am trying to relax

Holly make sure you get my good side!

Togetherness..oh yeah?

He says I am Miss Pushy pants

He loves me really!

I make everyone smile!

We got to play with a stick (thanks everyone for the help about stick playing)

Cora...Teddy won't let me have the stick

Holly..I would really like my breakie's nearly dinner time!

Webster agreed time to eat.. enough play and photos thankyou! What she's taken 231???

Cora..oh paws just when I got the stick!

Happy weekend everyone what ever you are doing!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

P.S. If you have snow PLEASE PLEASE send us some?

Thursday 26 January 2012


We got really excited.. 

white flakes started to fall...

it had started to snow. 

Holly said but the flakes are turning like rain now

Cora..we told her to get out with the camera quicker the flakes were thick and fast

Teddy..well I have some bits left on my back.  Maybe just maybe it will snow properly soon?

We live in hope of snow.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

We are absolutely shocked and saddened by the awful news that our friend Hoover had a tragic accident and has crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  Hoover was a very handsome young man who was only 16months old living life to the full with his brother Mischka. We send our heart felt sympathies  to his family Violet & Mischka. Please take a moment to visit them

Hoover run free forever with the wind in your face.

Karen Alan & the thugletsx

Sunday 22 January 2012


We spied  4 Greeniehoglets in the mushrooms

They were very cheekie and held a meeting in our tunnel

They made a move across the grass

Time for action on our part!!

Cora..I got one

Webster  me too

Teddy..head off first is how I operate

Cora...I'm working on it now


Cora...very oooh

Webster please leave me alone to eat in peace

Cora..checkin to see if you have any left Teddy

Well I have says Holly..but he's mine

Webster... GO AWAY

We think Holly's photo's say how much she is enjoying hers..

Super daleicious that was says Webster

We are all hoping that some more of the greeniehoglets drop in to Basecamp Thuglet especially on a boring windy cold Saturday afternoon!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Big Nose pokes
The Thugletsx

p.s. You were very lucky we were subjected to 113 photo shots! LOL

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Bit of News

Holly here ...when I find Teddy someone here has a bit of news for you

Holly said ..Teddy you know we aren't supposed to have sticks

You'll be in trouble....... leave it alone and come here

Ok!  Now come on, we agreed today isn't supposed to be about us....  so maybe it's time we passed the bloggie over to Mr Darcy

Hello Everyone....hopefully you remember me?

Well life has been going well for me. I've been spending time learning how to walk without pulling and I also got a new soft fleece harness which I really like.  (My harness isn't a stop you pulling gadget thingie).  The other morning the cheekie heron joined me in the play field on our pond.

I have been learning about watching what or who passes our field and how not to react to things..

This is me now as Postman Pat arrives with our mail. He drives like a racing car driver (actually he's a bit of a maniac) and makes a right racket as he comes.

So...who is this?  

 Ah Ha............ this is MY  Miss Bennett!  

 Now isn't she a surprise!

We aren't actually living together yet.. but that is the long term plan!  As you can imagine I am a very happy chappie with lots to look forward to.......  

We'll be back to tell you all about Miss Bennett another day. That's if the Thuglets will allow us some of their blog time! 

Bye for now 
Mr Darcy & Miss Bennett x

We couldn't resist showing you Sunset last night .....

Hope everyone is having a good week!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx