Saturday 5 February 2011

Teddy Reads More Instructions

Hello everyone

Thanks for your comments about our first piccies with the new camera.

Well Teddy had been chatting to his new friend Sam (if you haven't met Sam he is a terrific little chappie, please do go visit him). By special request from Sam, Teddy pawed his way to page 50 in the goodpaws guide to the camera.

So Teddy having pawed over the destructions (most of the day) he told us what to do and we decided to have a bash at our first video. So here goes!!!!

Oh yes of course he had to star in it!

We Had a bit of difficulty loading it, thats an understatement (there were some very bad words..thankfully the camera was turned off) but phew! We think we managed it. Hope you enjoy it and please do remember this is a our first trial run!!

Big Nose Pokes

The Thugletsxx

OH POOIE PAWs...the video we wanted isn't here! It's the wrong one.

Please keep checkin back we are trying to rectify this technical hitch. "Teddy ....TEDDY where are you ? what do we do?"

"HANG ON...hold yer paws. I am checking, give me paws a chance. I am Teddy the Rocket Man you know not Superman"!


Asta said...

Gweat to see you in action!!!!
Teddy, you awe cleawly a genoos and have done a pawsome job stawwing in that movie you helped youw pinkies make!!!!!
I look fowawd to many mowe!!!
Love to all of my sweet Thuglets
smoochie kisses

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

If it was the wrong one, it's OK, we loved seeing you anyway. Blogger isn't always very cooperative when it comes to uploading videos, but keep trying - we really love action.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Wyatt said...

Hi Thuglets!
I see a major motion picture in your future!! Lights-Camera-Airedales!!


Dexter said...

There was a lot of heavy breathing there. I thought maybe something untoward might be going on.


Sherry said...

That is so funny! They play madly, do all sorts of cute antics, run through that loooong agility tube. Then you turn on the camera and they just stand there looking at you. Been there, done that!

Kari in Alaska said...

woo hoo great movie :)


George The Lad said...

It takes good video's keep um coming.
Loved watching you in action
See Yea George xxx

Lorenza said...

Pawesome pictures and pawesome video!
Sometimes blogger acts weird, right?
Sure Teddy is giving a good paw to make it work!
Happy Saturday!
Kisses and hugs

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hello everyone, very nice video. I'm very impressed. It's great to hear you guys too. That's a very nice agility tunnel you have. My mom is suppose to design an agility course for me and my friend Sunshade so that we can do indoor agility together with some other doggie kids. We're looking forward to more videos and still shots too with your mum's new camera.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Congratulations on your new camera.
We only have dial up, so we cannot see your video,.
But we know your new camera will make some nice photos for us to see,,,,,, its all good,

The Boston Lady said...

It doesn't matter if it's the right one or not because I just like looking at all your gorgeous faces! It's hard to get used to a new camera and then the embedding of the video! Enough to drive anyone nuts. Good job! Ann TBL

Unknown said...

Action stars are born!!! I bet all of you must be very busy doing the action moves for your mom and it is obviously she did a great job! Well done to all of you and we are so glad to see you in actions!

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Thuglets, even if it was the wrong video I still loved it. Teddy what was all the huffing and puffing? Is it from explaining to your mum what to do? Take care all, no worries, love Carol

Duke said...

We loved the video! We would love any video of you guys!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

The Black and Tans. said...

Gosh Teddy we are super impressed with your technical abilities. Just as well you are on hand to take over when the hoomans can't figure out what to do. Hope you didn't have to put your paws in your ears too many times when the naughty words were flowing.

Molly, Taffy and Monty