Boo! Ha Ha
it's me Teddy..I had just had some yummy yogurt!

Lately I have been called "Teddy Tatty Head" by some around here!
So time I had a revamp and it has begun. Break time we found some bandana's so decided to have a play..well actually I didn't...I just had to be the model!
This is the "commando" look.......
This is the "tartan" look.......
You can tell how much I am enjoying this?
Yep..thanks glad thats over! I have lost quite a bit of me hair as you can see...
Dread to think whats in store for me tomorrow! More hair loss I suspect! LOL
Don't tell the others, but I did actually have a lot of fun today! I got to have lots of cuddles and tastie treats for being a very good boy and of course for being my gorgeous self!
Bye for now!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Lookin' good, my friend!
Such a handsome dude,Teddy. And we bet those treats made it all worth it.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We think you look great in your bandanas, Teddy! I have quite a few and enjoy wearing them on special occasions!
You're looking good to us!
Teddy you are looking very dapper. Fancy a lads night out this weekend? Perhaps you could give me some tips on how to keep me beard in tip top condition as it always seems to be wearing my dinner.
Teddy, you have a very expressive face! Good luck with the rest of the styling!
handsome model!
I khould SO feel the fun!
You look grrrreat Teddy!
All those bandanas are pawesome!
And sure the yougurt was yummy, right?
Kisses and hugs
Oh Teddy you r such a heartthrob! Ann
How could anyone resist that gorgeous face!
Benny & Lily
You're looking good today, Teddy!
Teddy, you're looking good!:)
Teddy Bear
You're a very handsome boy, Teddy!
Mitch has a camouflage bandana just like yours!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I can see yoghurt there! Very impressive look.
I like those commander pictures and you look really good with you bandana on!
Hi Teddy, you look great as usual. Thank goodness your hoomans are good with scissors.
You look so cute! I love the plaid bandana! and getting treats and love is always a good thing!!
Oh Teddy, moms falling in love, she loves your brown eyes, better not tell dad!!! Hang on I have brown eyes to!just as well!!
Your moms doing a great job of your grooming ;)
See Yea George xxx
Hello sweet Thuglets!
Hope you all got some of that yummie yoguwt!
You do look spiffy Teddy and posing fow tweats and cuddles is cewtainly not a bad thing, heheh
I'm afwaid that plucking and cutting is looming in my not to distant footoowe. Mommi keeps mentioning that I look like a wild beaw
smoochie kisses
uh, teddi this here is theBUSTER, i've been asked, by ms.grrracie to leave a comment...she sez:
teddi-boy you look mahvelous, the grooming has brought out your handsome features...AND BEEEuTIFUL brown eyes. (theB: this is asking to much from me..but she also sez...blushing) she would like to go running through the fields and chase pheasant with you....(<---does that make sense? girls!)
many slurps and butt bopps, grrracie the great...written as dictated to me, theBUSTER (blushing profusely)
You are very handsome Teddy. Thanks for stopping by my blog - I look forward to following you (and your gang) as well! - Ellie
Oh my sweet friend,
you are just overflowing in cuteness. I love your bandana, and another thing I love is all the fun your having.
You had a good day- with lots of treats. Are all those treats what make you so cute?
I wish I could come play with you.
You just have so much fun...
Thank you for all the sweetness when you come to visit me.
Love,, your friend
You definitely rock both the commando and the tartan look...although, your handsome self looks good in anything!
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