Monday 25 April 2011

Back in Town

Hello Everyone & Happy Easter!

no we haven't been zapped by daleians were still here and pleased to report all fit and well.

Don't you just find your PA can be quite hopeless sometimes? They come back from holiday (ages ago) and then she is too busy doing other things..can you believe it! Anyway we have got our paws back on the computer at last.

Easter brought the sun and fun as well as lots of bonios & gravey bones! yum yum yummie

Webster me it really is safer to stay out of their way sometimes!

Cora...Holly you need sortin out girl!

Thank you to everyone who has sent lovely message and emails asking where we were. Says Teddy Holly ..we have got too hairy again oh heck

Cora..well I think we look just fine!

Well we have lots and lots of catchin up to do in blogland so we better get crackin! We hope the Easter Bunny was good to you all!

Big Nose Pokes

The Thugletsxx