Saturday 27 November 2010

Snow Madness

Well for the last 3 days the angels have had quite a few pillow fights and we are sure having some snow madness here!

Holly you dance like a bear!

Come on Teddy play with me says Cora

Snowballs WICKED...can you reach em Cora ?asks Teddy

Webster what have you found? You never go on two leggies! says Teddy

Is it something interesting there Webster? Cora asks

Oh heckie paws...whats Holly found?

Teddy ..I'm just hangin around

Bit of action from Webster...

Right..I think thats enough says Webster

Dorcus says.... Holly what have you been up to..your nose is all muddie

Webster...I really don't understand why they all rave about this white stuff. Heyho

and really Did someone really have to tell him he was gorgeous?

Yikes..whats Dorcus doing?

Cora..what do you look like?

Oh paws here he is again....Teddy the Poser

Teddy... I need to whisper to ya say Holly

Have you seen Dorcus!!!

Whats happening now?

Err Dorcus....HE will know you have been diggin!

Cora the Scottish Princess

Webster on the move a rare sight!

Yep it's our Cora

Game on ....Cora & Rocketman

whose gonna get it?
Hurry up..we're ready...........

Spot the snowball!!!!!

Where is it????

Anyone see it?

What's she chasin?
Missile on its way...

SPLAT! Where is it?

Catch me if you can!

Cora such a mover...
Go Cora Go....

Such a leap.....

Cora....she just can't stop

The tunnel is under here somewhere..says Cora

I fink I found it..says Holly

I think Holly is right..its here says Rocket Man
What do you think girls ....what can you see up there asks Teddy

Cora & Holly - quick pose

Cora..I just soooooooooooooo lurve this stuff

Teddy..yeah well I am kinda gorgeous! Even with my white beard.......

Winter wonderland
Rocket Man ..time for another blast

Go Teddy Go Go
Webster ..are you all finished yet?

Trust Cora & Rocket Man

We want more.........

Please can we stay out a bit longer?

we had to come in and we are busy drying off and someone mentioned piggies ears?
Well the angels are at it again...the white stuff is falling thick and fast! Yippppppppeeee

Happy weekend to everyone.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

p.s. She has already taken over 600 white stuff picces of us! So thank your luck paws she didn't post tme all! lol


Wyatt said...

Airedales get the cutest snow faces! Everything sticks.
Oh, how we wish we could come play with you in your snowy wonderland!!
Do you usually get that much snow or is this a crazy fluke?

your pals,
Wyatt and Stanzie

George The Lad said...

Mom gets 10 out of 10 for all thoses photos, loved looking at them, she can put the rest up I'll come back and see them.
Thanks for my birthday wishes and for joining me today on the steps.
Keep taking the photos I love um
See Yea George xxx

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Oh how I wish there khould be a Siberian in those shots with all of woo!

PeeEssWoo: So, my mom isn't the only khamera khrazy one in the world?!? Those are PAWESOME shots!

The Black and Tans. said...

We had snow too! Fun, fun, fun!

We hope we have more snow tonight so we can bring more snowballs into the house!

Monty :-)

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Thuglets, how the heck does your mum dry you all? You look like you had so much fun. We don't get snow here. Well only once about 14 years ago, but its pretty rare, so you all look fabulous running in that white yard. Take care, no worries, Carol.

brooke said...

how fun!
such cute snow faces!

Duke said...

We wouldn't have minded 600 pictures of you guys in the snow! What awesome action shots!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

Look at the snow!!! All of you sure have had lots of fun these days! I can understand those 600 over white stuff pictures because my crazy dad and mom would have done the same thing to me if there were any snow in Malaysia! They always admire my blogging friends' snow pictures. Hoomans! Sigh!!!

Lacy said...

w00fs, happy doggies with snow all over ur nosies and running all around..

b safe,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Sheesh, we sure wish we could share in that snow madness - we haven't seen a flake yet.

Looks like you all had a blast.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Teddy Bear said...

You all look pawesome! I so wish I could be there with you to play in all that fluff.:)

Teddy Bear

Kari in Alaska said...

snow and tunnels? Could life get any better?


julee said...

oh my the white stuff already. that's crazy's very fun to watch you guys have a great time. I can't wait!

Lorenza said...

You all look like "Snowdales"
I loved all your pictures playing in the snow and the "hanging around" is pawesome too!
Happy Sunday to all of you!
Kisses and hugs

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! I'm back from my Holiday break. Woof! Woof! for SNOW. It's supposed to snow here on Tuesday ... I'm waiting patiently. You guys had so much FUN FUN FUN FUN!!! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

TwoSpecialWires said...

We DID have a perfectly brilliant thanks giving day, just as you apparently had a perfectly brilliant romp in the snow. We loved the photos ... felt almost as if we were there (just didn't have to endure the snowballs that stick to the furs). Great fun! Great photos. Great friends! Great (blogging) family!

Thanks for sticking with us during our (Moma's) long hi ate us.

Jake and Fergi

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Wow you look like you were having so much fun! My brothers and sister were chasing each other in the snow too.

I have to wear booties in the snow now but before I used to get little snow balls stuck to my feet and my legs! Do you get those too?

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Wonderful snow pics! Looks like you all like to have a good snow romp too. Yippee!! We love that white fluffy stuff.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRd & Hootie

Dexter said...

Yes, you are indeed suffering from the snow madness. Happens every year, but most decidedly to terriers. Crazy snow loving bearded dogs!
