well the hoomans are on a fitness kick (LOL) ....as they put their booties and coats on I said to Teddy go get two leads and we'll trot along with them to make sure they get back home ok without collapsing. We could do with a boys afternoon together been a while since we had one
they were quite cool about us watching them
Teddy and her were off stepping out..he was supposed to be with me..typical of RocketMan
Then we found some steps Hey Teddy..hang on a mo...actually these could be useful we need some steps for Georges Birthday competition
You just can't get the staff these days! But we enjoyed our boys only afternoon. We'll do it again sometime soon. But pleeeeeeeeeease Teddy get a blue lead next time?
Webster & Teddy
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Nice walk boys! George will like those steps.
Don't tell anyone, but sometimes I have to walk with a girls leash too...very embarassing.
my pups make sure I get LOTS of exercise
What great step pictures! George is going to love them!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
What a pawesome Boys Day Afternoon!
Thanks fur sharing!
Looks like a great place to spend the day.:)
Teddy Bear
Sure you had a very nice walkie. And muddy... like it should be!
Yes. George is going to like a lot your step pictures!
Kisses and hugs
Webstew and Teddy
No wowwies..no one could mistake eithew one of you fow giwls, no mattew what colow leed you use. Mommi says she could even get enthoosed about fitness if she could do it wif you
smoochie kisses
Teddy we think you could be forgiven for grabbing the purple lead in your rush to organise the hoomans. It is quite a responsibilty making sure they don't fidget and put their coats and shoes on properly.
Hope you have the opportunity to take them out again very soon.
MOlly, Taffy and Monty
As long as there are good walks, leash isn't an issue at all! What a good boys day you all had : )
Hey guys we are new followers :)
Your walked looked super cool!!
We look forward to getting to know yall more!
Those pictures are wonderful.
Boys that looks like a great walk. I'm sure your pix will be great for George's steps.
I just saw that it's youw biwfday Teddy
I hope you awe going to have a splendid celebwation..ackshually, I know you will..how could you not wif such a wondewful family
I love all of you and pleez fowgive me if my mommi is always late and mixed up..I send you tons of smoochie kisses
Great steps Teddy, between you and me I think purple is a great colour, I think I'd draw the line at pink!!!
see Yea George xxx
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