Sunday 7 November 2010

Holly My Birthday

Hello Everyone

thank you all so much my birthday wishes. I had a brilliant birthday!
But..we had a bit of daleaster with my piccies so please forgive the quality!

My special birthday cakie was amazing...meringues filled with my favourite cream and choccie drops with 5 stripey candles in the middle on my double special meringue

This is me peeking at my cakie, and ready steady blow my candles out and make my wish.

Then the fun began my candles went out and then relit I blew them out again and they relit......

so we all blew VERY hard and they went out. As you can see they created lots of smoke and then we had a strange cakie set the smoke alarm off!

I got two hoola hoops a new special pink collar and lots of my favorite treats. I am still eatin my cream in this photo..typical

Teddy wanted to inspect my hoola hoops he wanted to know what I am going to do with them?
Silly boy ......I am gonna shake my boolie of course. Obviously I shall have to show him how!

Haven't had chance to use them yet... as the weather here is very wet and watch this space!
This is the inside of my new collar..its a very special collar cos it's in aid of breast I will wear it with pride!

Thank you again everyone for all your lovely words and wishes.
Love Holly aged 5 xxx
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx


How Sam Sees It said...

We hope you had a very happy birthday! Don't worry, we have picture days like that too!


George The Lad said...

Looks like your birthday started with a bang, well smoke!! I hope I get a cake like that, Hoops, are you going to get mom jumping though them lol!!! Love the pink collar, I saw some in the pet shop today, put not sure a pink collar would cut the mustard, me being a dog and all!!, the pink toys are ok, cus they stop in the house, maybe I should just donate some money :)
See Yea George xxx

Duke said...

We just LOVE that picture of you blowing out the candles, Holly! That is some fancy cake!
Your new collar is just beautiful!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

julee said...

That looks like a great birthday! Hula hoops are darn fun!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wow, great party, Holly - so glad you had a great day. We love that collar. Ciara got hers caught on the fence last night, managed to wriggle out of it, and then proceeded to chew the buckle - silly dog - but that's one way to get the Momster to get her a new one.

Enjoy those hoops - they will be lots of fun.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Kari in Alaska said...

heee your cake set off the smoke alarm hee hee


Wyatt said...

Wow, I can't wait to see my new girlfriend shake her booty in the hula hoop!! BOL

Glad you had a dale-rific birthday!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Holly!
That thing of the candles sure was funny!
Your cake sure was yummy!
And your presents pawesome!
I'd love to see you saheking-shaking!
Kisses and hugs

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What great pikhs!

Yummy treats
Great pressies!


STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Holly. I'm Bruce's mum from South Australia. Thanks for your sympathy message on Bruce's blog. It was really appreciated. You look like a gorgeous girl. Happy Birthday. I have never thought of a hoop as a present before for any of our dogs. What a great idea. I look forward to learning more about your family. Love Carol x

violett said...

Hello Holly,
afterwards: Happs Birthday!
My mummy has not forgotten it, but by the move of my brother no time. Since now with me she must undertake a specially tour. I show very well consideration, but I need my walk and mummies attention.
Lots of love

The Black and Tans. said...

It would appear your hoomans have a much better idea about what Terriers like for birthday cakes! It would be most appreciated if you could send full instructions on yummy cakes and then perhaps we may have a half decent one on our birthdays. We live in hope.

Molly, Taffy and MOnty

Unknown said...

What a great party you had, Holly! Beautiful cakes with candles and you could even blow them out after you made the wish. Cool!!!

I love your pink collar and I'm sure you look pretty in it!

Asta said...

i'm so vewy sowwy that I am late in wishing you a soopew Happy Biwfday..It looks like it was pwetty specktacoolaw..You look so vewy bootiful and young and i hope you have many many mowe
smoochie kisses