Thursday 25 November 2010

Snow Blast

Absolutely WICKED we woke up this morning at Base Camp Thuglet and guess what .....during the night the angels had had a pillow fight!


Time to Blast
Holly got snow on yer nose

Oh Cora...what can we say?

Go Cora Go....

Snow horns?

Off like a rocket........No prizes for guessing who!

Body swerves by Cora..but I can be fast says Holly

On the move

I'm gonna get you...

Quick stop for a pose RM

Then back to buisness

Snow challenge

Yeah ...Yeah ....we recognise the face

A Holly nose snow dive

Cora...I Lurve this white stuff

Whats up here then? asks Holly

Gotcha ya Holly says Teddy

U fink so?

Teddy ....where did you get those gnashers ?

Shall we snow dance? Holly & RM

Come on keep up .....says RocketMan

Rocketman and Cora..quick posie

Rocketman this stuff sticks to ya..

Right I will pose for this and then I think I have had enough ..says Dorcus

We all had a brillo paws time. We love the white stuff and we hope we get some more tonight! Paws Crossed!!
Big cold white wet nose pokes
The Thugletsx


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


What fun!!

What GREAT pikhs!!!

I khan almost feel it on my snooter too!

Paws khrossed woo get more!


Nelly said...

WooHooooo! You're having so much fun in the snow!
We didn't have any :(
Nelly x

Wyatt said...

What a nice surprise! And so much snow! Fun Fun Fun!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Your mum x said...

What DELIGHTFUL pictures!

Dexter said...

Snow madness! Happens every year with the first snowfall. There is nothing like it.


Unknown said...

That was fun, wasn't it? Angels came and let you join their pillow fight too!

I love to see the snow on your nose, Holly! YOu're so cute!

Those snow shots were wonderful! What a lovely Thanksgiving time you all had!

Jans Funny Farm said...

If we get any snow this winter, we'll ship half to you and half to Khyra. Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving.

Lacy said...

w00fs, heehee happy pups wiff snow noses...and feetie feets..

b safe,

Lorenza said...

Too cold for me but sure I enjoyed seeing you all having fun there!
Kisses and hugs

Noah the Airedale said...

Blimey that snow looks so deep. Must have been a massive pillow fight hehe.

Noah x

The Black and Tans. said...

Well the Snow Angels must have got lost or their Sat Nav was out of order cos they didn't come here. Only Jack Frost visited us and he made the ground all slippery and we all fell over!

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Duke said...

What great pictures! How we wish we could join you!
We have yucky rain today! booooooooooooo

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Kari in Alaska said...

I sure hope you enjoy all the snow!


Agatha and Archie said...

OOOHHHH you are so lucky!! We are minutes away( we hope) from getting some!! Love A+A

Sherry said...

The only thing more fun than a couple of Airedales is MORE Airedales!