Saturday 23 October 2010


We are so very fortunate to have been given this award from Wyatt & Stanzie also Inky & Molly! We hope we don't let you down.

Here are the rules:

1. Thank the ones that gave it to you and link to them - Done!

2. Name 10 things about yourself. Try to be as creative as possible

Here goes................


1. I am an absolute “Clown” by nature. Terrific sense of humour. LOVE to make people laugh and I am extremely intelligent!
2. I live life on the EDGE! Ever ready for adventure and always in the thick of things.
3. I HATE the grooming table with a vengeance and turn into a MONSTERDALE. For those who don’t know when the new “very expensive” electric table arrived I was a wee lad within 24hrs I had stripped the wiring system into 100’s of bits of coloured wire and disabled the electronic remote. So after my display of electronic excellence and Dad managing to repair it..don’t think warranty applied!
4. I LOVE my time on “my grooming mat” on the floor with mum lots of cuddles.
5. They say I am aptly named Teddy Webb Airedale Terrier. (Apparently the first letters spell a word). I don’t know what this means?


1. I LOVE being wet! I have made it my ambition to be the wettest muddiest airegirlie!
2. I Love sleeping on my dad’s feet under the table. I am a daddy’s girl.
3. I am known as the “noisy thuglet” cause when we play I have a lot to say loudly!
4. I do not like plastic carrier bags!
5. I am gorgeous and I have a lovely nature.


1. My first home called me Gerrard! OMD ...was I pleased they sent me back.
2. I was a rebel as a me I did it all!
3. I was responsible for changing Mum’s career!
4. I am a Gentle Giant.. very quiet and laid back.
5. I LOVE my cuddles


1. I am always the last Thuglet in when called!
2. My favourite place is warming my bum on the big red aga in the engine room.
3. I really love to sit on a chair at the kitchen table and check out what’s happening!
4. I am a hedgehog hunter...gotta get em
5. I LOVE lots of cuddles and fuss. I am Miss Fussy!


1. I do everything at my pace.. very slowly!
2. I am very placid..but I don’t take any prisoners.
3. I sleep on my back and apparently I snore?
4. I HATE my paws being touched. No Way!
5. I LOVE my cuddles. Yes.... I am a Daddy’s girl.

ELLIE “ our tribute”

1. A very dainty lady...but no one messed with her.
2. Always last out
and last in!
3. A small dainty girl with a special lovely personality and huge presence.
4. LOVED to be sung to..Ellie even had her own special song!
5. Absolutely and utterly loved her cuddles!


1. We are full of fun and laughter!
2. We howl most nights to say we are here and we are happy!
3. We have our faults. We know we are not perfect.
4. We are out and all it takes is one word called “Dalies” and we all come running.
5. Bedtime would not be bed time without a “Bonio”!

We pass this award onto all our friends in blogland and to our SPECIAL friends Molly Monty & Taffy.

Big Nose Pokes

The Thugletsx


Noah the Airedale said...

Congratulations on your award maties. How are you all going? Hope you're doing ok.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy xx

Duke said...

Congratulatios on your award!
You saved the best Dale for last *we're smiling through tears*
We don't like our paws being touched either, Dorcus!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Congrats on your award. We loved learning a little bit about each of you. It was very sweet to include Miss Ellie - we bet she was smiling down at all of you.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Wyatt said...

Thanks fur sharing all those fun facts. Now we want to cuddle all of you! Wish you lived by us.....

Wyatt and Stanzie

Teddy Bear said...

Congrats on your award. We love getting to know you better.:)

Teddy Bear

Dexter said...

You all sound wonderful. What a happy bunch of dales.


George The Lad said...

Congratulations on your award, we all know you a little better, your place sounds so much fun, I'll ask mom if she can fit me in for a holiday.
See Yea George xxx

Zona said...

What a great way to get to know you better! Congrats on your awardie!


violett said...

It is written so wonderfully, there the tears come to me...
Lots of love
violett and Mishka

Agatha and Archie said...

Well we must say we hve a lot of the same traits( well really you guys are the King of all us terriers so we should right?!)We think nothing would be more fun than to have a romp with you guys!! OOHHHH what fun we could have!!! Love and kisses A+A

Kari in Alaska said...

we just loved learning more about you


Your mum x said...

Cora looks SO much like Hattie.....

Lorenza said...

Hi, my friends!
Congratulations on your Award!
I loved reading all those things about each one of you!
Thanks for including Miss Ellie. Beautiful tribute!
Happy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh my...what a lot of info to process from one post...

Um, Teddy...Stan and Scruffy are rolling on the floor laughing bout your initials...I have NO idea what is so funny, but I trust they are being rude and I shall remove fur from both of them post-haste...

Oh, and Scruffy should talk about the whole paw issue...he go nutso if you touch for Miss Ellie...

Small Dale, big paws to fill...empty place in heart...but lovely shining star in sky...

We love ya...

And how Mumsie would love to see your Aga!!


Lacie Beastie

doyle and mollie said...

what a team!!! - loves and licks x

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your award! We're so glad to meet you on this bloggingland and thanks for telling us more about you. All of you sound sooooooooo wonderful!!!

Unknown said...

Hiya. Thanks for coming to our blog :)

I just read your previous posts and so sorry to hear about the loss of your Ellie. May she always be in our hearts.

Sherry said...

Love reading those profiles, so I'm extra-glad for the award.