Friday 29 October 2010

Superviser Teddy

Teddy here.........

Well we woke up yesterday morning to an unusually cold kitchen. The night before Dad and I had a boys chat and decided we needed to turn our trusty red aga off so we could service her as she was not maintaining full temperature. We suspected she had a problem somewhere. So tools out and off to work we went.........

My job was to examine the burner once it was removed......

Then we had to strip it down (some of our aga servicing tools are very technical... a loo brush, a toothbrush and also a pastry brush)

Makin sure the temperature gauge was showing cold..cos the AGA gets very vert hot and we did not want any burnt paws!

Sizin up the jobbie and the state of the burner box ...

We are very strong and between us we lifted the boiling plate out. We needed to hoover the inside where it lives cos it was FULL of soot (which I know it shouldn't be!)

Hmmm now wheres the switch for this thing then?
This is the inside of the burner the black crusty bits are clinker..carbon from the fuel, horrid waste which was blocking the fuel pipe and causing the problems.
As you can see we used lots of thingies..I am very good with the drill! We put new wicks in the burner.Thats the burner back together!

Yep clean and ready to go back in.

Burner back in place. I helped reconnect the fuel supply..just makin sure we have no leakies

I whisper instructions in Dads ear to keep him right as he lit the burner ....

Checkin we have a flame? Yep we do!

Finnished with a polish of the lids. Dad job welldone me finks says Teddy !

The proof of the pudding will be in the YORKIE PUD on sunday!!!! said the rest of the thuglets.

Conclusion our lastest oil delivery whist very expensive was inferior in quality. Pawed a note to ring the oil company!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglet


Dexter said...

Thank goodness. I can just imagine the fuss the ladies would have put on had you not broken out the manly tools and restored heat.


George The Lad said...

Hi Teddy, thanks for showing us whats inside a oil powered Aga, you know the Aga factory is less than half a mile away from us! mom says she sometimes thinks she gets a iffy tank of petrol!I think its just the way she drives lol!!!
Have a warm and great weekend to all of you.
See Yea George xxx

Persephone and Buster said...

wOw are one handy thuglet! we hope you have successfully serviced the burner so you guys don't freeze! it's pretty cold here too, 31 degrees farenheit this morning -- and the heat did go on successfully so i guess i, theBUSTER, can nap for the rest of the day.. knowing the girls and the humans will be toasty..

Unknown said...

You clever clever dog, Teddy!!

Wyatt said...

You are a good fixer of things. So smart and handy.
I like to help my dad do stuff too. Guy stuff :)


Duke said...

What a good supervisor you are, Teddy! We hope you were given lots of treats for restoring heat! That's a most important job!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Nelly said...

Good job your Dad has such a good helper ... and you kept his ears clean in the process :))
I do that when Mummy washes her car :))
Nelly x

Your mum x said...

I've ALWAYS wanted an AGA!

That last picture is a delight!

Kari in Alaska said...

I just love your stove. I want one just like that in our next house!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What talents!

Khyra and The Golden Khousins

Lorenza said...

Hi, Teddy!
Good job!
Sure your dad appreciated your help!
Those tools are pawesome, right?
Sometimes my mom uses a knife instead of a screwdriver! Hmmm...
Happy saturday to all of you!
Kisses and hugs

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Awesome job, Teddy. Can we count on you and your Dad for service calls when we have heating issues?

Happy Howloween.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Sierra Rose said...

Tool time with Teddy!! Great work pal :)

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

The Black and Tans. said...

Well done Teddy! What would your Dad do without you?

Molly, Taffy and Monty

How Sam Sees It said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by and saying hello! I promise we will be returning to our normally scheduled programming very soon! We've enjoyed looking at your blog!


Asta said...

Thank dogness you wewe able to help youw Dad fix that most bootiful Aga(Mommi is dwooling and jelly)
I hope all of you stay wawm and get the most wondewful wesults fwom it's depths on sunday
smoochie kisses