Saturday 4 February 2012

Looking Good

We were having a lazy day today.   Look what happened whilst we slept this afternoon says Holly.....Yipeeeeeee

So what do you think it the real thing Cora asks Teddy as she snuffles about

Cora ... I think it is

Holly thinks so too......

So it's looking good then for tomorrow!

 Time for dinner.
 The flakes are falling thick and fast.  We can't wait for tomorrow morning!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx


Sherry said...

Yup, looks real. I hope it hangs around long enough to play in, since you've been hoping so hard for snow. We, on the other hand, are very very very happy to have sunshine today in Washington!

The Black and Tans. said...

It has started snowing in our garden too, we can't wait to see if it is still here in the morning.
We will throw some snowballs at you.Get ready to duck!

rottrover said...

You're SO lucky. We never get snows...

-Bart and Ruby

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Our skies are clear so far but we fear that something is afoot, or is that a-snow?

Finn said...

Oooooh, have fun tomorrow morning! Maybe you can convince your peeps for an early morning play session!

Melanie said...

Looks like you've had some wonderful thick snow! It's even reached the midlands! Hope it looks as good tomorrow, it's raining here now :(

Unknown said...

All of you are looking good in the snow! Have fun!

I just hear that Europe is having lots of snow at the moment, I think Rosie is pretty happy with it too.

GOOSE said...

Looks like the real thing to me. Have a blast tomorrow!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh look at all those snowflakes! They are everywheres, and even on your nose! Good times are here again!

Sally said...

I hope you have had a lots of fun.

Nice woooh

Duke said...

Have fun playing in the snow, guys! I sure wish the flakes would fly at my house.

Love ya lots,

Declan said...

We have plenty and you are welcome to it! Deccy x

The Boston Lady said...

Oh that looks like so much fun and you waited so long for it! And to think I just got home from the beach where it was 75 degrees! Secret from me to you - I'd rather be in the snow with you Thuglets because it would be such a treat! Ann TBL

George The Lad said...

We got snow to, but no sign of yorkie pub :(
Now you know moms not letting us on the laptop much this year, she didn't put you on the linky list on our side bar!!! how sould she do that!! See its Sunday and we thought of you :)
Have good week
See Yea George xxx

Maggie Mae and Max said...

No snow at our house. :( We sure hopes you have fun!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

julee said...

Did you guys get alot of snow? WE've only seen 2 inches this winter. What a rip!!!!

Enjoy a good cold nose poke for me.

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Thuglets, I love the snow but it all melted long ago. Maybe you could send some our way :)

Remington said...

Enjoy! Don't forget your football!

Kirsten (peacefuldog) said...

Looks like you had a fun weekend! Don't know if we'll get any of that stuff this winter...

Smile With Your Tail said...

Man o man, thats alot of snow...and the good snow too! Not the pathetic attempt we got here! Pah!

You guys sure look like your having fun! Wish we were there with you!
