Thursday 16 February 2012

Snow Fun Part 3

Well yes folks, sadly our snow has now all gone. 
So we thought we would look back at the fun time with had so here is our Snow Fun Part III

We ran...

We chased...

Teddy come and get me...

Teddy...OK I'll chase you..


Speedy Cora...

Snow flies......

Go on Holly you have him.....

Teddy having  a word with Holly..

Holly...Teddy please don't bark at me

 Dance practise....

Cora trots of with her twig..

Teddy..come on Holly..

We played....

 Holly.....our snow began disappearing

Cora flies over the tunnel again...

Teddy watches carefully as Cora demonstrates to him...

The Teddy  approach...

Yep....that was Cora!  

While we were having  fun someone with the camera remembered the button marked Lv! So here is our first attempt at a little action video.

Hope Everyone is having a good week.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

P.S. There are 4 of us but naturally Webster had his paws up on the AGA keeping them warm!


♥ Helen said...

It made me smile to see these HAPPY dogs :)

Two French Bulldogs said...

Hope you get more of that fun white stuff
Benny & Lily

GOOSE said...

You all sure know how to have fun. Good jumps Cora.

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Thuglets, oh that was really great. I loved the live action video. It makes everything so much more "alive" than still pictures. Yay Thuglets - all you guys (yes, even Webster) are really great.

Berts Blog said...

You guys don't even need snow to have fun do you? You have fun all the time.

Can I come play with you.

Kirsten (peacefuldog) said...

So fun and happy. We miss play sessions with Airedales--my dogs used to love Rupert, whom they met in a dog park in NYC when we were there. Somehow the Airedale energy was appealing even to my generally scrappy bunch.

The Duke said...

Oh, Thuglets, thank you for putting the video up for us to see! I watched it while I was at work and it brightened my entire day! I am so glad you enjoyed your snow!

The Duke said...

Oh, Thuglets, thank you for putting up this video for us to see. I am so glad you had snow to play in! You have brightened my day at the office.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are really missing our snow, only lasted for one day. But we love seeing you all frolic in the snow - makes us wish we were there too.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara and Lightning

The Boston Lady said...

I love you Thuglets so much! The video was the best and now I am determined to find a Boston sized tunnel. I think they will go bezerk! I want to know - it's hard to judge how big you beauties are, how much do you all weigh - or is that too personal? Don't worry Cora, you don't have to divulge, but Teddy, come on, inquiring minds (well, mine) want to know. BTW, TBL's mom had a Teddy when she was growing up and he was just like you! She always told me what a great dog he was. That must be why I just love you all. Ann TBL

Duke said...

I just love the picture of the bottoms of Cora's feetsies!
Thank you for posting a video! What fun!

Love ya lots,

Unknown said...

It gave me a big smile early in the morning when I saw all of you playing happily in the snow!

Lucky dogs! Happy dogs!

Wyatt said...

You 4 crack us up with your tunnel antics! You get so much joy from that silly tube :D

Wyatt and Stanzie

rottrover said...

We think you guys like the sound of jumping ON the tunnel. You sure do know how to have fun!

-Bart and Ruby

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I loved the video- it was so fun to watch! The tunnel is just perfect for all of them! We loved seeing everyone have soo much fun!

Teddy Bear said...

You all are having so much fun! We hope the snow comes back soon.:)

Teddy Bear & Sierra

Meeka said...

You are a bunch of fun lovin' pups.

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Oh that sure looked fun. We definitely would love one of those tunnels. You have a grrreat weekend. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Remington said...

Fun times! I really need to give Mr. Winter a call to see about getting some snow!

Sherry said...

I am still laughing about those "agility" leaps over the tunnel!

Stewey said...

Fun times!!!! I love to play in the snow, as well :)

violett said...

Thank you for your kind words on our blog. For Hoover and Gianni.

The action shots are beautiful in the snow. It is to see how happy they are playing. Mishka loves snow as well and had a lot of fun with Gianni. Now the snow is gone. We had little snow this winter unfortunately.
Lots of love
Mishka Mama

Smile With Your Tail said...

Oh my goodness you guys sure know how to have fun! Your pictures do make us smile, wish we could have been there playing with you!


The Black and Tans. said...

The snow was super while it was here but it didn't last long enough. Boo hoo.
Your snow time was excellent with great photos.

Shane Kent Louis said...

Woof, what a great and playful time, I want to play with you guys, you look so happy and had much fun running with your paw friends that was really cool!

It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

Bassetmomma said...

You guys sure know how to have a hoot!