Tuesday 21 December 2010

Today is Special

Today is a very special day, Ellie's birthday she would have been 13 today!

Ellie came to live with us in April 2004 with her mum Hannah. Ellie was 6 and Hannah 10. They were two very special lovely girls.

Hannah & Ellie (2005)



Hannah (11yrs)

Ellie (7yrs)
Ellie gorgeous girl

Hannah's 13th Birthday. She has such a smile!

Ellie - hated hats

Ellie - her face says it all!

Ellie (August 2010 Webster's 6th birthday) - she loved cream

and cream!!!

Such a special girl

So we decided today at Basecamp thuglet we are going to celebrate Ellie's day in true style with a lovely yummie cakie and loads & loads of cream! We know that Ellie, will be watching us with Hannah & Dorcus, and perhaps partying themselves?
We have got up this morning to the angels having a pillow fight..we got white stuffie again! yipeee
Thank you again to everyone for all your lovely messages.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets xxxx
p.s. Thank dogness she lost the scarf idea! says Cora, Holly, Webster & Teddy! XXX


Unknown said...

I know that Ellie had a great life with you all and I'm sure she's watching you from Heaven now. Happy 13th birthday , Ellie :)

Duke said...

Hannah and Ellie were both such gorgeous girls! Happy 13th birthday, Ellie. Make sure you get your fair share of cream! We sure do miss you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Black and Tans. said...

We think there is a great big celebration taking place at the Rainbow Bridge with loads of cream cakes and yummies. Hannah, Miss Ellie and Dorcus are being the perfect hostesses and welcoming all our friends who are there to a bumper party.

Happy Birthday Miss Ellie.

Love from

Molly, Taffy and Monty

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Thuglets, so glad to have you back. Wishing you all a peaceful christmas and happy and healthy new year. No worries, love Carol.

Dexter said...

Celebrate life and think of angels Ellie and Dorcus. I was so happy to look at photos of Ellie and think of her having funballs and looking down on us.


George The Lad said...

Yes you should celebrate, shes there just like you said along with Hannah and Dorcus
Happy Birthday Ellie
I know this Christmas will feel empty, but we are thinking of you, love and best wishes
Jan and George xxx

brooke said...

What a special celebration! Happy 13th birthday Ellie!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We think you made a wonderful decision to celebrate Ellie's special day - it is exactly what she would have wanted. Enjoy, and we are sure she is smiling down at you.

Happy Holidays to all.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

It's always good to remember those who have gone and celebrate the great joy they brought to our lives.

doyle and mollie said...

we wish you a furry merry xmas and fab howladay... loves and licks xxx

violett said...

To read nice again from You.
We are never forgotten our beloved four-legged friends...., however, Christmas it hurts particularly.
I think that Ellie and Dorcus wish that you celebrate everybody nice Christmas.
We also wish it You.
Ellie was a lovely bitch. Nice pictures.
Lots of love
Violett, Mischka and Hoover

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

That was a brilliant idea woo khanines had!

Why not celebrate!?!

Happy Ellie Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PeeEssWoo: Please say hi to Miss Opy fur us!

Teddy Bear said...

What a special way to honor Ellie. We know she's joining in on the party. The white stuff? Yayyyyyy!!!

Teddy Bear

Barbara said...

Can you imagine the celebration they are having? It's so nice that you remember them every year. They stay in our hearts forever!!

Merry Christmas!

Wyatt said...

Bow Wow for Miss Ellie! Happy 13th birthday sweet girl. Give our Leo a big kiss, I'm sure you have met him up there...he loves the lady Dales! :)

Juno said...

Big hugs and kisses to Ellie and Hannah!!

Happy Holidays!
Momo & Pinot

Noah the Airedale said...

We can just imagine the celebrations going on over the bridge lol. Happy birthday Ellie.
You Thuglets on earth , make sure your mama gives you some Stilton hehe

Noah, mmm blue cheese

Miss Ellie and Baz said...

Ellie would have loved the fact that you celebrated the day of her birth.
You know they are all watching over you and running riot over that bridge.
I bet she still has cream on her nose too!
All you Thuglets are gorgeous!


Thor and Jack said...

Happy Birthday Ellie.

Rudy said...

Happy 13th birthday Miss Ellie. Both Ellie and Hannah were beautiful girls. Enjoy the cream gang!!

julee said...

We know this Christmas will be challenging and emotional but we wish you the best and know your pups will be looking down smiling and wishing they were with you.

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

She sure was a cutie. Thanks for sharing her pics with us.
Merry Christmas to you and your hooman family too.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD and Hootie

Inky and Molly said...

Happy Ellie Day and happy memories. What beautiful people!
We know that Christmas will be different and no doubt difficult for you this year. We just wanted to let you know that we have you in our hearts.
Lots of love,
Inky and Molly & fam

Jans Funny Farm said...

Ah, what a way to celebrate! Ellie would have loved it.