Friday 10 December 2010


Our hearts are broken as we write. .. Dorcus was very, very sick and we had to let her go.
X-rays revealed she had a tumour in her stomach which had ruptured, tumours had spread to her lungs. There was nothing that could be done other than to help our beautiful girl to be pain free. We held her paws as she peacefully slipped away.

We brought her home and she will be with Ellie.
Dorcus, thank you for 5 wonderful years. We loved you to bits beautiful girl and we are so proud and privileged to have shared our life with you. But we feel so cheated, 5 years was not long enough.

Run free with the wind in your face. We will always love you Dorcus.

Dorcus 21.6.05 - 10.12.10

Thank you everyone for your lovely messages

Karen & Alan ..Dorcus's mum & dad

Big Nose Pokes

the thuglets Webster, Holly Teddy & Coraxxxx

Dorcus aged 6 mths


Dexter said...

Oh Miss Dorcus! You were my first thought when I woke up. Our hearts are breaking. You are running free now, but those of us left behind will be walking with a heavy stride for a while.

Mango Momma

verobirdie said...

Although I met Dorcus only two weeks ago, I'm heartbroken to read this. You must all be so sad.
The only good point is that she had a happy life until the very last days and did not suffer. She could even enjoy this snow...

The Black and Tans. said...

This is just too awful for words!

We are all feeling so sad to have lost such a beautiful Aire girl friend.

Run free Dorcus.

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

I am so very sorry to hear this sad news, my heart aches for you all. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
With Love

Richie said...

Miss Karen & Mr Alan , Ronnii n Me be so sad to hear yor heart wrenchin news, it has made our hearts hurt fer you all. Pleese know yu is in our forts n our prayers. Miss Dorcus run Free wivs Miss Ellie and our sista Molly we wont forget yu.
Richie n Ronnii

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We just read about your loss on Mango's blog and wanted to stop by to pay our respects. We can imagine how heart-broken you are feeling to have lost your beautiful girl.

The Poupounette Gang
in France

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! So sad to hear the passing of Dorcus. Golden Thoughts to everyone. For sure you have lots precious memories you'll always remember Dorcus. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

HoundDogMom said...

We were introduced to Miss Dorcus just the other day through Mango. We are so sorry to hear this today. To see her running in pictures just the day before, is just so hard to believe she has crossed to the bridge. You are so right 5 years is not long enough, but I can tell she had a great 5 years. She is running free today and we will watch for the new bright star in the sky. Again, we are so sorry for the loss of your beloved Miss Dorcus. She was a beauty for sure. The HoundDogs

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know it wasn't easy to let Dorcus go. You gave her one last gift of true love.

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Mom and me heard the sad news bouts' sweet Dorcus from Mango. Please know that all of you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Maggie Mae and mom

Unknown said...

Oh goodness,I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, this is so unexpected... our thoughts are with you. Dorcus will be missed... but she's smiling down upon us and want you to know she's happy. Run free, Dorcus!

Levi said...

I am very sorry to hear about your loss. It is very said to lose our family members.
Now Dorcus is with Ellie and they will play together again.
You are in our thoughts.

Lacy said...

sad woofs, sooo sorry..i knew it was bad from the way u described it yesterday...she and u all are in our thoughts and prayers...RIP Dorcus, run with the wind...

a very sad,
rocky and bear
jodee and angel lacy
and mama...

The Boston Lady said...

I was just enjoying those beautiful pictures of all of you, Dorcus included having so much fun in the snow. New to your blog, but not to your pain. It's a particular heartbreak when one of our beloved pets must go, but also a blessing that they are painfree, at peace and able to run as much as they want in the special heaven for dogs. Hugs to all. Ann

Corbin said...

I am so sorry to hear about the passing of sweet Dorcus. It's never easy to help your loved friend to the bridge. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. I hope you find lots of joy in the wonderful memories you have of her.
-Corbin & his mom, Jenn

Anita said...

Our thoughts and condolences go out to you! How truly hard this time must be for you. Remember the good times and all the love you shared!

Many thoughts and prayers,
Bronson and Pepper

Deetz said...

My heart weeps with you today! I received word from Molly, Taffy and Monty. 5 years was definitely not long enough. She suffers no more and was so loved by you and takes that with her on her journey...They always show us a sign that they made it across and are peaceful! Run Free Miss Dorcus!!! You will be missed each and everyday.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to you.
Deetzy and Family

Wyatt said...

Oh, we are so very sorry to hear about Dorcus. We are very weepy with the news.
Thanks for giving her 5 wonderful years.

Wyatt, Stanzie, Sue and Paul

MurphyDog said...

RIP Sweet Dorcus

I read about her being sick yesterday (Mango sent me over), and we'd been sending healing energies your direction...hoping for a swift recovery.

You have given her the greatest gift you can give. Releasing her from her pain and sickness, she is now whole again. I'm sure she will be missed terribly though. Hugs to you during this sad time.

Murphydog's Mom

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Even though we didn't know you, our hearts break for you. Many prayers and good thoughts to you!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

So sorry to hear of your loss. Sincere condolences. J1 & J2

Raymond and Busby said...

We're so sorry to hear Dorcus has gone to the bridge. She was a beautiful girl and we know she runs free now. We agree, five is too young, but at least you had five wonderful years together. We will be purring for all of the Thuglets and their Mom and Dad. Thanks for sharing Dorcus with us here on the blogosphere.

Golden Samantha said...

I realize that we did not know you, but we are so sad to hear this news about your girl. Run free, dear Dorcus.
Sammie, Avalon and Mom

Jake of Florida said...

Sweet Dorcus -- you were having so much fun with your brothers and sisters running through the snow and now all that energy is with those who have preceded you over the Bridge.

We're sending your family all our love to help comfort them for your loss -- so soon after your sister.

Wirey kisses at this sad time!!

Jake and Just Harry -- and Mom, Joan

Duke said...

We are just devastated to read this news. Our hearts go out to all of you. We are so very sorry.

Love ya lots,}
Maggie, Mitch and Sue

Those Elgin Pugs said...

We are sorry we never had the chance to meet~
run free sweet gurl~

Our thoughts and pawrayers go out to you all and you gave Ms. Dorcus a wonderful life~
She will be in your hearts always and in your smiles always

She is your angel~

Much love,
IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man

Barbara said...

OH NO! I'm so, so sorry for your loss. The only comfort we can take is that it was quick. Poor baby.

We're so sorry you lost a dear friend and companion.

Barbara, Trixie and Minnie

Fred said...

We are so, so sorry for your loss!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We are sad to see what we had feared -

For some reason, the tumour word always scares us -

We are so sorry for your loss - especially so soon BUT at least Ellie will be there to greet her and show her where all the good stuff is -

We'll light a candle this evening -

All the snow pictures from the recent days will provide lots of happy memories - albeit so bittersweet -

Khyra and Her Mom Phyll

rottrover said...

We are so sorry for your loss. It sounds like she enjoyed her time with you until the last few days. How lucky you all were to know each other. It's just so sad when they go so quick. You're in our thoughts.

-The Rottrovers

Shmoo said...

The gimpy gang sends its deepest condolences on the loss of such a wonderful pup.

Meeshka and the gimpy gang

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about this. I came over from Mango's blog. Five years just doesn't seem long enough but I'm glad you were able to enjoy the five years you had.

Elyse and Riley

violett said...

Oh Dorcus, it is so bad that you had to go. I sit here and cry...
You were still so young.!
On the side of the rainbow bridge Miss Ellie waits for you. You are not only!
Greetings please also my Kolja, Zambo and Kimba if you meet them.

No consolation can help what your poor parents feel now. I send an embrace with this post.

Sad greetings
Mischka and violet

George The Lad said...

Oh I am so sorry that I had not picked up on your last post, my heart goes out to you. You are all in our thoughts.
Run free Dorcue
Love and Hugs Jan and George xxx

Asta said...

I am absolutely heawtbwoken
We pwayed so hawd..I guess Ellie wanted hew sistew to be coangel wif hew fow the holidays to keep an eye on the west of the Thuglets and play in heaven.
We'we so sowwy fow youw heawtbweak and loss ouw love to Webstew, Holly, Cowa and Teddy and of couwse the sad sad hoomans
Wun fwee bootiful Dowcus
I'll see you someday ovew the bwidge
love and sad smoochie kisses

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

I am so sorry for your loss. We didn't get a chance to meet Dorcas, but our hearts are heavy for your loss. We'll light a candle for her tonight.

-Fiona and Family

brooke said...

Im so sorry to hear about Dorcus! I was so hoping for the best yesterday and was hoping to see a happier outcome. Such sad sad news, trying to stop crying at my desk, but it's such sad news.
Our hearts go out to your family. Two loses in a year is not fair. At least Dorcus had Ellie waiting to greet her over the bridge.

Finni said...

Oh No! This is so sad! We are so sorry to hear about your loss!
Our thoughts are with you.
Run free little girl!
Elke, Finni & Nelly

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh no
I'm so so sorry.
This is heartbreaking.
Karen & Alan, my thoughts have been with you all night.
I can only imagine your pain.

D xx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

How sad to see this! We have only just come to know all of you, we are so very sorry to know that Dorcus was so sick. Five years is just way too young. We send you our heartfelt feelings of love and sorrow. The only comfort you can take is that she is pain free and having fun with all the other beloved furries across the Rainbow Bridge.

Hugs and Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara and Mom

Tucker said...

I am very sorry for your loss.

woof - Tucker

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

My sincere condolences to everyone in your family. This is just so sad. I hope you get comfort from many happy memories of Dorcus. Love Carol

The Airechicks said...

Our hearts are breaking - please know that we will hold you tight in our prayers and hearts -

Thank you for making her life wonderful - Thank you for sharing her and loving her with all your heart...

Sleep tight Dorcus...


Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, no. We are so very sorry you have lost your Dorcus, and so quickly. We know it was hard to let her go and you miss her. Purrs and tail wags for all of you.

Two Pitties in the City said...

We are so sorry to hear this. We were hoping for a more positive outcome and it is so hard to imagine something like this happening to such a young dog.

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

RIP sweet Dorcus. So sorry for your loss.
BabyRD, Hootie & their humans,
Cassie & Patrick

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

She was only five? That is heartbreaking. I don't know what even to say. We are keeping you close to our hearts and will light a candle tonight...

And it's comforting to know that as you held her paw that Miss Ellie took it as she crossed the more pain...

We are at a loss for words...

We will keep you close...

So much love,

Mumsie and Scruffy, Lacie and Stan

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

My broken heart feels so very heavy for you at this most difficult time. You made a loving decision. I hope that the many wonderful memories you have will ease your pain.

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

We are so very sorry to learn of your loss. Especially devastating that she was so young. We know Dorcus will live on in the hearts of those who knew and loved her. Gentle slurpy kisses from us and a hug from our mama.

Jed & Abby

Teddy Bear said...

We are so, so sorry to hear about sweet Dorcus. We are sending lots of love and hugs.

Teddy Bear

Old Kitty said...

Me and my cat Charlie came over from Jan's Funny Farm. We are so so so sorry to hear of beautiful Dorcas's passing. We are sending you all lots of hugs and purrs. Please take care

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

è da poco che seguo il blog di Dorcus... ma il suo musetto era così adorabile che ho inserito subito il "seguo blog" per vedere le sue foto.
E' così triste sapere della perdita di un compagno e componente della famiglia.
Ho pianto al pensiero di questa prematura scomparsa... 5 anni sono veramente pochi.
Un abbraccio alla sua famiglia.
Myria ( e Igor )

Princess Patches said...

We are soooo, soooo sorry! It sounds very similar to how we lost Poppy last February, but Poppy died on her own within the hour of showing symptoms.

We will keep all our paws crossed for all of you. Run free, sweet girl, and play with Poppy at the Rainbow Bridge!

Penny & Patches

Your mum x said...

I am so, so sorry for your loss.

Run free dear Dorcus....with the wind in your fur.......

AFSS said...

We are so sorry for your loss.

FiveSibesMom said...

I am so sorry to learn about Dorcus. Your post has brought tears to my eyes. Five is too, too young. I know she will be in your hearts forever, and, again, we are truly sorry for your loss. You are in all of our thoughts.

The Daily Pip said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Run free Dorcus ...

Your pal, Pip

Kari in Alaska said...

we are so very sorry for your loss


Brian's Home Blog said...

I read the sad news over at Jan's Funny Farm. My sisters and I are so very sorry to hear about your sweet Dorcus. Purrs and hugs.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

We went outside last night and looked up at the clear Heavens...

Two bright stars, side by side awaited us...glittering, gleaming, shimmering...almost like they were playing and giggling...

We know who they are...

We bowed to them...

And they barked to us...we barked back...and then they winked...

We love you,

Lacie, Scruffy and Stan and Mumsie too....

Sherry said...

Only five--that's especially hurtful. We're all sorry that she is gone.
Sherry, Alanis and Miro

Scooter said...

I am sending my most heart-felt doggie vibes to you so that you can feel better. I know you will miss her, but she is pain free and running for joy now. Enjoy her memories and she will live with you forever.
Grr and a Sympathetic Woof,

♥ Sallie said...

We know she is in a better place.

((((((((((((Big Hug))))))))))))))

Southbaygirl said...

We are so sorry to hear about Dorcus! Run free Dorcus and rest in Peace!

Woofs, purrs, hugs, thoughts and prayers,

Velcro, Kodak, 3 Perf, Blossom, Skye and mom Penny

Sally said...

We came over from Maggie and Mitch's blog - we were so sad to hear the news. we are So sorry for your family -& we send you all our hugs and prayers
D, Sally and Paddy

Donna said...

I am very sorry for your loss. Rest in peace.

snoopydogknits said...

So, so sorry that you have lost your beautiful Dorcus. I have just discovered your lovely blog and our hearts go out to you all! Ros and Oscar

houndstooth said...

We are terribly sad for your loss! It's never easy, and there's never enough time together.


the many Bs said...

we are very sorry to hear about your Dorcus. we didn't know her, but she looked like a beautiful pup. what a very sad thing to happen to your sweet girl.

sad sad woofs from the 4Bs and our human

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We are so sad for you.
I came over from Khyras blog,, to give you some love.
I know your hearts are so broken. You did all that you could,,, and your were there for her when she needed you the most,,, to stop her pain,,,, so unselfishly you thought of her,,,, and guided her to the arms of the angels.
Tonight she is being rocked so gently.
I place my paw around your neck, to help heal your heart.

Miss Ellie and Baz said...

Oh Kaz, I am so so sorry for your loss.
Please accept our heartfelt condolences. We are sending lots of love and kisses to you and Alan.
Run free sweet Dorcus, you left us too soon.
There is a new star i nthe night sky - shine on sweet Dorcus x

julee said...

Oh we are so sorry to hear about Dorcus. We pray..

Lorenza said...

We are far away but our heart is right there with you all.
Take care
Lorenza and mom

Thor and Jack said...

We are so sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.


Inky and Molly said...

Oh Heavens. What sad news. You poor people...We're glad you could let her go to a more peaceful place...We are heartbroken for you and will help you cry the pain away...
Lots of love from Down Under...
Inky, Molly & family

Neeko said...


I came over from Richie n Ronnii to tell you how very sorry I'm for your loss...
May the sweet and funny memories of your Angel help you thru this very difficult time.

Neeko and family.

Maureen said...

Our hearts break for your sad loss of Dorcus. Please know you are in our thoughts.

Dorus will live forever in the hearts of all who loved her.

with love, Maureen and HoneyBuzz

Unknown said...

our prayers are with your family.
RIP Dorcus.

Karen Raye and Bentley Beargrass said...

I have been amiss in reading about all our blog friends the last few months. I am so sad to read this news. Run free and swift little Dorcus in the fields of heaven. One day we will all meet again.

Karen Raye
and the 4-legged's
in Texas

Genista Gold Milaika said...

I am so sorry for your loss of beautiful Dorcus. Our thoughts are with you.
Megan x