Monday 13 December 2010

How to say Thankyou

Where and how do we begin to say thank you to everyone for your lovely messages and kind words of support on the loss of our precious girl Dorcus. So simply from the bottom of our hearts ..thank you.

There is no way we can express the pain we are feeling right now. We miss her so dreadfully and the question we keep asking is " why, why, why"? Dorcus was too young, it should not have been her time to leave us. We loved her more than we can say.

We wanted to share some of our favourite precious Dorcus moments
Her first bath in the kitchen sink aged 12 weeks
Her first snow 29.12.06
Her first walk with Ellie in the snow Dec 2006

Growing up. Aged 10 months

Think we'll have to leave it here for now...........

Thank you so much everyone for caring and being there for us.

Karen & Alan Dorcus's mum and Dad

Big Nose Pokes

The Thuglets

Webster, Holly, Cora & Teddy x


Duke said...

She was such a beautiful girl.
(((((hugs)))))to all of you.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Inky and Molly said...

What beautiful memories. She had the best time with you on this planet and we know she is still here in spirit :)

brooke said...

Such great photos. Id like to think the one of her and Ellie running through the snow is exactly what they look like now.
Big hugs and giant Dane kisses from Seattle!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

All of us know it could be us

And one day will be us

So we have to hug it forward

Thanks for sharing these pics

I'm sure it is quite the difficult time to look over them

I know you are glad to have them!

Khyra's Mom and Khyra too

doyle and mollie said...

massive slobbers its awful anytime but when they are still young... just horrid - loves and licks xxx

Teddy Bear said...

We loved seeing puppy pictures of Dorcus. We are sending lots of hugs and love.

Teddy Bear

Anita said...

What wonderful pictures of her!(((HUGS))) to you all!

Bones and treats to ya,
Bronson and Pepper

Unknown said...

Our hearts are with you.
We know that Dorcus is running happily in the rainbow bridge and maybe she has already met our Laura and Hana :)
Those were some beautiful memories. Keep them close to you.

Kari in Alaska said...

Thanks for sharing the beautiful memories


Unknown said...

I loved seeing the pictures of her, she was such a beautiful girl.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

This is one time you will all be so happy that your Mom likes to take lots of photos - so many memories of the good times with Dorcus. We understand how hard it is, we still grieve for our Dakota, but Inky and Molly are right, she is there with you in spirit and will always be in your hearts.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Its especially hard when you lose a young dog but she had a wonderful family. Take care, love Carol.

Wyatt said...

Thanks for sharing her with all of us. Much love to you and The Thuglets.

Wyatt and Stanzie

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh my, we remember the bath photo so well.
You have such lovely memories of your precious girl.

Noah willow tess Lucy xx

Dexter said...

How wonderful to see little miss Dorcus in all her glory. What a pretty gal. Sending lots of hugs and smoochies.


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We do share your pain. Hard as it always to lose a friend, it seems particularly so when the friend is young and should still have many years of life ahead. In the last two years, we lost one "chan" at 18 months and another at 15 months, and we miss both boys so much.

The photos of Dorcus are just lovely.

Woofs, Purrs and Hugs,
Tommy, The Chans and #1

The Boston Lady said...

Beautiful pictures of a beautiful girl. May your memories of her make you smile although now I know they make you weep. Ann

Farfel said...

I am so sorry about the loss of your special girl Dorcus. Your words and pictures were so beautiful. It is very difficult to lose our very best special friends.

Take care,

Patti, Farfel, and Star

Farfel said...

I am so sorry about the loss of your Dorcus. Your words and pictures were beautiful. It is very difficult to lose our very best, and most special friends.

Take care,

Patti, Farfel, and Star

Levi said...

What a beautiful bunch of pictures! It's especially hard to lose them so young and so unexpectedly.
Those picutres are the moments of Dorcus that will be remembered forever.
Sending paws and licks.

Finni said...

She was a beautiful girl and had 5 happy years with you.
Finni, Nelly & Elke x x x

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Sweet remembrances of your girl, Dorcus. Her time here was too short.
BabyRocketDog and Hootie

Raymond and Busby said...

Thanks for sharing the photos of Dorcus. She was special. Sending purrs from California.

George The Lad said...

They are lovely photo's, it is so sad she was taken from you at such a young age. I wish I could be there to give you all a big hug
Jan and George xxx

Jans Funny Farm said...

Your friends and readers understand your pain and cry with you. We are so sorry Dorcus had to leave so soon.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Thanks for sharing the wonderful memories, the love will always remain.

♥ Sallie said...

Thank you for sharing her with us.

Love makes the world go round.

HoundDogMom said...

She was a beautiful girl and we see she was a queen. And they always wonder why we have the camera out taking pictures of them. We have to have our memories to help us get through these hard times. We can relate as we still feel the pain from having our Tabby cross to the Bridge this year as well. {{HUGS}}. Drools, The HoundDogs

TwoSpecialWires said...

So many hugs and cuddles are being sent your way ... we are sad sad sad for you. And we wish there was something we could do to help ease your pain.

Could you please send us your postal addy? Email

Much love
Jake and Fergi, OurGirl and OurMoma

Golden Samantha said...

Dorcus was such a cute puppy - we know what an achingly difficult time this must be for you and send you big, big Hugs and Love xoxoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon

The Airechicks said...

She is a beautiful Airedale - What a wonderful world that she is a part of your family -

Thank you for sharing your memories and wonderful pictures of her.


Lucia said...

Oh what a beautiful, beautiful girl, your Dorcus. Run free, darling one!!!

Lucia and her girl

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Thank you for opening your heart and letting us in to put our paws around you as your heart is hurting.
Thank you for taking the time to share all the photos with us.
All of Dorcus,,, every moment, every photo, every memory- we will help you cherish.
I sit beside you right now as you heal.

Neeko said...

Neeko's Mom here!

Again, so very sorry on the loss of your sweet precious Dorcus.
We do not understand why God does things the way He does sometimes.

Our precious Neeko came to us after loosing our dear Yorkie, Sparky to cancer. The pain of loosing our Angel is still so heavy that I cannot talk about it... We lost Sparky in March of this year and adopted Neeko in April.
Indeed their precious lives are so very short and we do everything in our powers to show them how much they are loved.

Before adopting Neeko, I had no idea about this wonderful world of blogville where wonderful parents care so much about each other especially in times like this.

So please know, that we have you in our thoughts and prayers at this very difficult time,

Amalia :-(

How Sam Sees It said...

I'm just catching upon my blogs, I"m sorry to hear about your loss.


Sherry said...

Thank you for posting the individual photos. Dorcas had an unusual sweetness in her face--for an Airedale .

Someone else's loss brings back all our own griefs and we feel such empathy because we know what you are going through.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I will sit her,,while your heart heals. You will not even know I am here,, but I will be close in case you need an extra wag of a tail.

Sunshade said...

I am so sorry about Dorcus, she was a GORGEOUS, well loved girl. Yes 5 years is not enough, it is not fair, but she had the bestest family in the world with the bestest Aire-sibilings. I don't think the fun and games stopped for a moment in the 5 years she's been part of the Thuglets.

Your post hit a little close to home.... we are very sad for your loss.. please take care..


Elaine, Sunshade & Jaffa

Lacy said...

sad woofs, me not remember iffin we said how sorry we are..i know mama posted it on the news and she cant rmember if we commented here..if we didnt we are sorry..RIP Dorcus, run happy and healthy with Miss Ellie..

a sad,
rocky and bear
jodee and angel lacylulu
and mama..

Duke said...

We think of you guys so often these days and we see that tomorrow (Wednesday) would have been Ellie's birthday. We sure do miss her and Dorcus too.
Hugs to all of you.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch