Saturday 4 December 2010

Have we mentioned the white stuff?

Hello Everyone

Have we mentioned the white stuff? LOL

Well we have still got the white stuff was a bit cold here yesterday at -15!

But it's didn't stop us havin fun or her takin photos!LOL

Come on Cora...race you says Rocket Man
Oh paws.......... this white stuff is getting deeper says Dorcus

Is that a snow explosion or is it Cora?

Go Cora Go

Cora dancing in the snow

There she goes......

Whooo hooo such fun

Holly..go girl go

Cora another practise
leapty leap
This one is speciailly for Monty, Molly & Taffy...mouth open

Here I go..............

Run Holly run.......

Over you go Cora.....

and again......

Cora...snow surfing

Do you think her ears make her go faster?

Just lurve this white stuff

action stations...

Excuse me Dorcus..can I come past you asks Holly


What yer doing now Cora?

Can I help asks Teddy?

Where are we going now Cora?

Anyone seen Webster?

Go Holly go girl.....

Holly & Cora.. taggie

Gocha Holly,,,,, says Cora..


On the move...... need for speed

yep..the move's Dorcus

Go Dorcus go.............
It really is Dorcus...

So can anyone guess what this is?

We have icicles on the stable....

Cottage in the village

Local pub.......
On the way home we met a Bunny on the track...

Then back home to Cora the go go girl

Holly and Cora

Bit of a pose from them..

Webster..were you lookin for me? I was havin a nap. So whats happening then?

Rocket Man.......

Whooooo hooooooooooo

we ran...

and ran..........

and chased.....

and chased..
tuck butt run by Rocket Man

he's a mover

a lean machine

Cora..ready for action

snow paws...
Dorcus..this stuff gets deeper

Big leapies from Cora

Loads of fun

fun fun fun...........

Time for breakies....Cora never gives up

Come on with me?

one last game?

Time to go in... Cora OK...on my way

I'm coming says Holly

We are having so much fun in this white stuff. It's meant to last for a paws crossed! Her poor camera is working overtime..1500 picces now! lol The floor of the kitchen ..well its a permanent puddle!
Have a great weekend everyone. Stay safe and warm but have lots and lots of fun.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

The snow keeps khoming and all of woo keep getting khuter!

Thanks fur sharing those inkhredible shots!

PeeEssWoo: Remington's shipping department REALLY sent woo extra orders from MinniSNOWda!

Teddy Bear said...

-15 sounds pawfect to me.:) I'm so glad you still have plenty of the white stuff to play in. I can tell you all are having tons of fun.:)

Teddy Bear

Unknown said...

More snowy and fun pictures! Can't wait to see more pictures of you guys! Tell your mom not to worry about the number of shots, keep clicking!!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We just had to stop by for our snow fix today. We have to thank your wonderful photographer for such awesome action shots - we feel like we are right there with you. It is the only way we seem to be able to get any snow.

Keep the pics coming.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Wyatt said...

We are telling you...there is a calendar many great, posters, coffee mugs!
The Thuglets must be sleeping really well each night!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Duke said...

This is so not fAire that you have all of this beautiful white stuff and we have none!
The pictures are fabulous! Keep them coming - we are loving it!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi, wow that`s alot of snow. Thank goodness there`s enough of you to make good use of it. We had some snow about a week ago but sadly it`s all gone now. Thanks for all the photos.

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Great Aire/Snow photos!! I just thought of something. If Rocket Man and BabyRocketDog got married her name would be: BabyRocketDogMan. BOL!!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, does that look like fun! We think Khyra and the other blogging Sibes are jealous. What a lot of snow and room to run.

Remington said...

I am so happy the snow I sent you arrived. As you can see I sent a little extra for you to play in. I LOVE all the pics! Enjoy!

Finni said...

So much snow! So much fun!
Finni xx

violett said...

Snow is the best element for our Airedale. What an one joy to watch them while raving.
Their joy of life is well held on in the photos.
I love action photos with Snow- Dales.
Lots of love
violett with Snow-Dales Mischka and Hoover