Wednesday 2 April 2008

What did we get up to today

Wednesday started early with a 6.30am garden rompie! Actually it started at 12.30am with a MEGA 8 dalehowler session! LOL

Then it was breakie time....biscuits & roast chicken topped with goats yogurt was on the menu. Whilst some of us were relaxing ...well guests andTeddy got more aquainted...

he was enjoying himself
He loves to be the centre of attention

Gertie"what are these then"?

Dorcus decided to do a spot of digging

Teddy it's my hole go away

Teddy..It's my turn now ...OK?
Holly....I knew if I waited long enough I'd get a turn Gertie" what's that strange noise"

can I help? Dorcus..look I don't need help
Please no help is required
Teddy...I only want a turn one here I might as well have a go

Thats the way to do it!
How you doing? Time for some ruff and tumble
Game on Gertie..I'll just mind the hole abit
Then we heard them calling "DALIES"..that means it's time for relaxation so we allpiled in through the back gate...they count us in and count us out... the reds piled in and Alan only counted 1 blue collar dale Teddy...where was Webster? Well actually he was with us..he has been wearing a red collar for 4 days! Did he think there are 9 of us? So tomorrow he has to have his blue collar is for girls!

So there we are all relaxed after our bonio's when we hear a strange noise....we all ran to the garden gate..what was happening?
OMD....Tommy Tractor was filling in our holes!
Horror what ever next....he took away our fallen tree
Once Tommy Tractor had gone we went back out to play..Tug of rope time..

Webster takes on Teddy with Molly for support
Cora referees the boys
Teddy game on Yellow kong time Then great excitement we found the kong wubba....Holly tackles Dorcus from behind
While Molly makes a break with a yellow kong...followed by her side kick Gertie
Go girls Go Whooo Weeeeeeeeeeee Gertie one's looking I'll start a new hole! teehee

Molly..Teddy its my turn wiff the wubba

A rare sight .... our Dorcus running..we watched in disbelief as Gertie chased her..Dorcus doesn't do running! LOL Ellie...DO NOT DISTURB!

Time was called and in we went for dinner.... we all dined together ..on the menu this evening
Lasagne sssssssshhhhhhhhh lets hope Molly & Gerties mum and dad miss this bit!
Think we'll sleep tonight...not sure about a howl?
Catch you all tomorrow
Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets +2


Alf said...

Wowwweeee - I can't believe the fun you are having. Karen and Alan are going to be exhausted soon! Teddy is such a tart - can't believe he'd be lying on his back with two girlies staring down at him! He's one mad boy! The pics are great - can't wait for then next installment.

Alf n Mindy xx

William Tell said...

Uh oh, Mom was spying over my shoulder at all the gorgeous Dales, and now she's getting Airedale Fever...

Happy Tails,
William Tell

Lizzy said...

Whoa, you all must have had a BLAST! Wonderful pictures! I wish I could join in on all that fun with you guys.

Man, those are some big holes you all dug!


Persephone and Buster said...

that's an amazing sight..! 8 dales winging around having fun...together!!!
wow. i am impressed and so is ms. sephie. she says she's packing her bags and going to play at the thuglets house..she likes that hole digging and filling in etc...
have a blast guys.. keep the pics coming so we know you're still having fun.

The Black and Tans. said...

Wowee Thuglets and guests....You are having a whale of a time. It just has to be the Dale version of Centre Parks, can we book in for a long weekend sometime later this year?? lol.

Molly and Taffy

Cassidy said...

We are loving all the photos, especially the action shots! Looks like Gerties all trained in the art of hold digging now, tee hee!

Cassidy x

Duke said...

What awesome pictures! We sure we could be there to join in on all the fun! We love that last picture of Ellie! LOL

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Molly and Gertrude said...

You have just put the BIGGEST smiles on our faces with those photos! What amazing shots of all of you guys having such fun! THANKYOU!
We are so glad you are all getting along happily - and Molly and Gertie, you leave poor Teddy alone! No ganging up! (though we think he loves it really...) Looks like you've had some nice weather. AND - I think your diet is going to have to change when you get home - you wont settle for anything less than raost chicken, lasagne and goats yoghurt each day!! All your favourites - you lucky lucky girls.
We may be thousands of miles away girls but we can still keep an eye on you! (ps - do you remember who we are - haha??!)
LOADS of love -
Paul and Kate xxxx

Miss Ellie and Baz said...

What a truly glorious sight to see all you beautiful Dales playing togther.
We wish we were there too.

Miss Ellie and Baz

Faya said...

When I look at your pictues I feel so.....alone....bouhouhou...
Kisses, Faya

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Whoa...this installment of Multiple Dales Having So Much Fun and Eating Like Kings is the best yet.

Roast Chicken?
Hmm...that wasn't exactly on our menu yesterday??

Stoopid Tommy tractor fillin' in ur artwork!!!

Keep up the great posts...these are hilarious.

Scruffy, Lacie and Babystan!

From Yorkshire, England to Canada said...

What a day you dales have had, we wish we could travel like in Star Trek and join you. Rufus loves to run but I like to dig so we could help you, we specialize in golf courses and use a soccer ball for the ball.

Deetz said...

Ellie is plum tuckered
You guys are having so much fun. That tractor looked like alot of fun too.

Noah the Airedale said...

Yeeehaaaaa you guys are having the best time. Hey Thuglets, do you think your pinkies are getting used to having 8 dales heee heee.
Webster and Teddy, you boys are being over run by girlie dales.
The hole digging seems to be going very well. Keep up the good work. Don't let Tommy Tractor ruin your fun!!

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Dexter said...

There sure is a lot of action going on. Why do they keep putting dirt in your holes?

Stanley said...


I'm worn out just reading about your day! WAY TO GO, DORCAS! I guess that Gertie had what it takes to either get her to play or scare the peewally out of her.

Too bad we don't live closer. That's what I keep saying to my girl. Keep the photos coming. Those from today were magnificent!

Goober love,