Wednesday 16 April 2008

Gob Stoppers

Where do we begin and what have we been up too....lots and lots of fun and games! Been so busy we haven't had much time to blog!! We'll try harder.....we have lots of catching up to do.

Chewie time..Teddy

Molly on a mission!lol

Now how shall I tackle this? says Ellie

Ellie....Perhaps if I just pull it?

Note the paw hold!

Meanwhile "someone" found the bag the chews came in!lol

Webster please go away with that camera!

Molly look what I got....

Gertie ...this one is mine says Molly

Gertie strides out..

Gertie and Molly... The Action Girls ..."Bottoms Up"

Gertie I love this chew

Molly posing with her chew

Teddy that looks tasty say Cora..

Gertie and her new mate Mr Blackbird

Molly & Gertie share a chewie

How many thuglets can you see???

She flies through the air with the greatest of ease!

Who else but ....Gertie.. Action Girlie

Got up early (now theres a surprise..LOL) Tuesday morning and it was very cold and we had a good workout before adjourning for breakie....on the menu was sardines and bikkies. Which we all love.

Frostie morning

Good found my chew again

Gertie... I love to bounce!

Gertie..piggie ear time

Cora..have to guard my rope whilst chomping my piggies ear

After two more days of thuglet romping, games and chews ..we are quite worn out. Karen has developed a really good left ball kick! LOL As Noah suggested perhaps we should look at the premier league?
We have had some nice meals so far this week ...dining on sardines, roast chicken, mince and tuna (not all in one meal). Oh yeah...and K&A went out for a meal last night so guess what we all got....a big juicy marrowbone each! Phew life as a thuglets is soooooo hard!!!!
We heard a whisper that there is a trip to the petware house for supplies planned this morning we have dropped some big thuglet hints! Hmmmmm we wonder whats planned for today?
Big Nose Pokes
Ellie, Webster, Dorcus, Holly, Cora, Teddy, Molly & Gertie xxxxxxxx


Molly and Gertrude said...

Hello everybody - oh no, not another trip to the pet suppiles store...have you eaten everything in the house girls??! I hope not.... poor K and A - we hope you are surviving! We like the photo of Getrude stalking the blackbird - will you never learn Gertie that you will never catch a bird? You are far too slow even if you are the action girl! Looking forward to seeing you again - the Leura Dales are wonderful and we really want to see all of you too!
Lots of love,
Kate and Paul xxxx

Duke said...

Does this mean that all 8 of you get a road trip to the warehouse for supplies??!! Can we please see a picture of that?!
We sure wish we could come to camp Thuglet! Does it ever get boring there?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Miss Ellie and Baz said...

It looks like loads of dale fun is taking place at Camp Thuglet.
You sure are making Molly and Gertie very welcome.
Maybe they won't want to go home LOL.
Love Ellie and Baz

Alf said...

Great pics again Thuglets. I wonder who is the most exhausted - Thuglets or K & A!!!! I bet the trip to the petstore is mission in itself - do you have a seperate trailer that you take to load up with goodies?!!!!

Alf n Mindy x

The 3 G-Dales said...

Howee Cow! Yous Thuglets are the wuckiest Dales in the whole wide world...those chewies were pawesome! And that Gertie...likes to bounce just wike ouwr Cwacker Jack. Up and down and up and down....Fun, Fun, Fun.

The G-Dales arwe hoping for some chewies wike yours...perhawps if we arwe vewy, vewy good....

nose pokes and likey-licks at cha all...Have a good day!

The G-Dales

Harry said...

Wow, those chews look like they'd keep even me going for a while (I swallow a pifg ear in two crunches so am not really allowed them anymore)!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Kyanite said...

Every time I visit you've bones, not small things but HUGE ones, are you spoilt or not???

That digital camera thingy is very addictive - be kind to your human, she's obviuosly hooked...

Pats & pets to all

PS - Your guest's Molly & Gertrude don't know me!

Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

Thank god for digital cameras i cant begin to imagine how many films you would have to have developed.Loads of chewies and bones yum yum yum. Ive still got my chewy bone Dorcus gave me in february I've not chewed it believe it or not I run around with it and lick it but it is still as good as new.

I'm sure there will be more wonderful treats brought back from the warehouse.

Ludo the cool dude

Deetz said...

Wow, those are huge chewies. I need to tell my mum that the store should have some of those. I wish I had other Dales to play with but Daddy says no. So I just go on scavenger hunts and collect things..I will post about that later when mum has time..I will show you all the cool things I collect.

Simba and Jazzi said...

Those chews look great and they are sooo big.

Simba xx

Faya said...

Gertie .... did you catch Mr. Blackbird ? I have try a lots of time but I never catched one...never...but I keep trying...
Kisses, Faya

Lizzy said...

Man, there's so many of you, it's hard to know who's who! Looks like you had another great morning. Those chew thingies look yummy!


Amber-Mae said...

Ooo, what treats are those? Looks delish!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Tenkiller Airedales said...

Good Grief Camp Thuglet!!! We are up to our "Airebows" in puppies and you guys are going for a ride? Lucky YOU!!! Apache's Tribe looks like Camp Thuglet on a clear day. Enjoy those chews...And by the way....Chief Apache has CAUGHT her share of them there birds!!!!

Airesnaps to all, Apache's Tribe

Noah the Airedale said...

G'day maties,
Those are some serious looking chews you've got there. Gertie you're a funny girly, you look like you're trying to fly. Maybe that's your plan to get the bird.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

You guys always look like you are having the best time ever. I just wish I could jump through the computer so I can join!

I totally chew on my chewies while I guard my ropes or other toys too!


Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

There seems to be lots of lovely eating and chewing going on at your house. Can I come and stay too? J x

Stanley said...

Hey Thuglets!!
Did you all get to go to the pet supply store? Now, THAT's something I'd like to see.

You guys could post photos of you all sleeping and we'd still love them (though, I bet that would be a hard photo to get since it seems like you NEVER sleep for long)!

Gertie is a really bouncey girl. She stalks birds just like Stella does. (Stella's convinced she's going to get one.)

Keep up all the good eating, romping, chewing, and tugging!

Goober love & smooches all around,

Persephone and Buster said...


Is the pet warehouse wiped out yet? It appears that Castle Thuglet possesses adequate supplies for a siege.

Did we spy traces of grass left on the lawn? C'mon, guys, there's a matter of honor here!

We vote the Thuglet Redoubt the "Least Boring Place in the Known Universe!"


Buster & Persephone

Lorenza said...

sure it would be interesting to see all you there at the pet store!
your chews are huge! and look delicious too!
Have a great weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Bogart H. Devil said...

Oh, I just love looking at all of your photos of all you gorgeous Dales!!!!

Wish I could be a cadet at Camp Thuglet :)
