Tuesday 1 January 2008

Cora Update

Cora ..... well we had a bit of a setback yesterday she stopped drinking again and was refusing all food..so we monitored her but she started to concern us again. We were giving her water in a syringe.

So New Years Eve back to emergency vets she went...........she wasn't as dehydrated as the other night but they decided to give her more fluids and re-xray her to see if anything had moved and could be seen. The xrays showed absolutely nothing!

The current diagnosis if a viral gastro-enteritis! Cora was given 3 litres of fluid and once she came round from the anesthetic mum and dad were able to bring here home at 10pm last night.

Because she was quite whoosie from the anesthetic she went in the large crate in the kitchen as we all wanted her to rest. She is also best with us thuglets as we are always together. We were very good and we all settled very quickly and we had a peaceful night ..the hoomans didn't sleep much for listening!

Cora's antibiotics have been stopped..one because they are not working with what ever she has and secondly the vet said what we had also wondered was she having a reaction to them? which may be a possibility!

She now has two liquids which are given to her 3 times a day by syringe to help keep her hydrated and also if she isn't drinking we are giving her a supplement in water by a large syringe every hour.

We now just have to work her through this..the vet said to expect ups and downs and it will be a long slow recovery..but she is a strong dog and he does not consider it life threatening ..the important thing is keeping her hydrated. She is going abck to the vets tomorrow further checkup.

The good news is she is brighter today and has eaten a finely chopped chicken breast as well as having her first 2 syringes of medication. Cora is only allowed out with one of us to toilet so that she can be monitored and save her energy so she can put it all into getting better.

The rest of us remain fighting fit...but we are being closely monitored.

We just want our little Scottish princess well again!

Thank you everyone for your positve thoughts and get well messages to Cora.

Happy New Year from us all.

We will keep you posted.


The Thugletsx


Faya said...

Oh my poor poor Cora... I hope you will be fine soon....
Kisses, Faya

Headgirl said...

Hi there!

I feel terrible, haven't looked in on you for a few days & what do I find Cora sicky!
Not a Happy new Year...
But, thats what I wish you all!
And, come my, 11th day of Christmas post, you are my stars!

Love, pats & pets

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh poor sweet Cora...I hope she feels better soon!

Not the best way to start the new year, huh? But it WILL get better!

lots of Licks, Ruby

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh little Cora,we just found out you were sick.,but pleased to read that you are alittle better today It is always better to be home isn't it. We will cross all of our paws and think nothing but good healing thoughts for you.Love A+A

Duke said...

We're sending lots of AireZen your way, Cora! Drink up girlfren and get well soon, okay? We want you well!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Harry said...

Poor poor Cora. We are so sorry to hear she is a poorly girl. We can imagine how worried you have all been. We also know between the vet and all of you she will get top notch care to help her recover fast and be the super muddy princess we know and love.

Huge hugs, kisses and lots of love to you all.

Katy, Martin, Harry and Cassidy xxxx

Gus said...

Oh, we looked in and saw that Cora was not well...we hope she recovers soon for a very long and health new year


Putter said...

Hi Cora!

I surest ever am glad that you are starting to feel betterest! Ask your Mum if your electrolytes have been checked ... I know they could be off with the diarehea, but have your Mum ask your doc anyway, K? Feel betterest soonest and keep us posted ...


Putter ...:)

Putter said...

Hi Again Cora ...

Mom read further about the blood tests ... Has the vet considered Addison's Disease ... Sometimes it can mimic the stomach flu at onset ... Might be worth asking about given the small setback ... They thought I had that once and keep a close eye on me to this day as a result ... I surest ever hope you feel better soonest ...


Putter ...:)

Noah the Airedale said...

Blimey, poor Cora. She is certainly giving you a memorable New Year. Get better Cora!!!
We'll send you further positive thoughts and aire-zen to help.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

The Black and Tans. said...

Glad you are feeling so much better Cora. The other Thuglets will really take care of you.

Love Molly and Taffy xx

Bruno the Airedale said...

Oh poor Cora, hope you are feeling much better soon.. Barks Bruno XXX

Finni said...

Oh dear, thuglets, this must be so worrying! What a start to the new year! Get better soon, super muddy princess! Thinking about you!

Love from
Finni xx

Kirby said...

Oh, I hope Cora continues to improve. This sound like one nasty bug. I'm glad you are doing everything just right. Once she is rested up and feeling better, she can get out there and dig a big old hole! We'll keep her in our thoughts, hoping the positive Aire-Zen will keep her eating, drinking and well rested! Licks go out to the rest of the Thuglets who I'm sure are missing their Cora. A Happy and Healthy New Year to you all!

Your pal,

Asta said...

Deawest Thuglets
I feel so wemiss that inevew even knew Cora was sick..I'm so sowwy you must be so wowwied..I'm sending healing tewwiew vibes ..she just has to get bettew! she is such a lovely giwl and I will cwoss my paws and pway fow hew..I wish all of you good health in the New Yeaw!!!!!
smoochie kisses

Amber-Mae said...

Cora oh Cora, what's making you feel icky? I hope the fluids are making you feel much better. Please eat & drink okay? We'll be thinking about you little one.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Ripley said...

Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Cora! I'm glad you have the other Thuglets to help take care of you.

Alf said...

Come on Cora - you need to get better quick. It must be awful for you watching the others out and about. Take care and get well soon. Alf n Mindy

Lacy said...

woofies Thuglets!!! me sooo sorrwy u still not feelies good cora...keep westin and doing watt da dogtor says...u not fink it wuz a buggie in da dirt since u likies to dig so much do ya...me hopes not, mama wont lemme dig holes anymores...

b safe and get well soon cora...

pp's me gots u in me thots and prayers...