Saturday 5 January 2008

Cora update, us and the snow

Well where do we begin? Cora continues to scare us all..she takes 1 step forward and 2 backwards. After making really good progress Thursday ....she went backwards friday and would not eat all day, but thankfully would drink. Yuk- poor Cora Tummy problems again during last night ..but again today she is brighter and has managed 2 chicken meals and is drinking. She is being constantly watched as are we all..but we the thuglets are doing a good job nursing her! We heard she is back to the vets on monday.

A very big thank you to everyone for all you positive thoughts, wishes and comments.

We had a snow fall on thursday and we had some fun! We have some right posers in this family as you will see.LOL

Rocketman Teddy What's this stuff called again? Holly & Teddy ..thought we would pose!
Then we had some more snow..whooo hooo Webster,Teddy & Dorcus Teddy decided to play the "snow devildale"
Cora was allowed 10 mins playtime would never now she was sick to look at her!
Cora "so what is this stuff on my face"? Aha...Webster who does his best to stay away from the camera!
Dorcus did a spot of tuck but running!
Even I like snow on my nose says EllieTeddy and Cora having some fun..before time was called!

The snow only lasted a disappointing. We have pawscrossed for more!

The Thugletsx


The Black and Tans. said...

Ooh Thuglets we are so jealous you had snow this week. If you get lots more snow again can we come up and play?

We are still keeping our paws crossed that Cora gets heaps better very soon, it is great to know she is making good progress.

Molly and Taffy xx

Bruno the Airedale said...

Wow, white stuff I have never seen that before, as I am only a baby really, but I hope that I have some this winter in my garden.
Its so nice to Cora out with the rest of you, well done girl.
Bruno the Airedale XX

Molly and Gertrude said...

Wooppeeeeeee!!!! That looks like an excellent playtime guys - we wish we had snow too! You are all looking great - proper snow-bears. Cora is looking happy which is noce - we know she is still poorly, but perhaps the fun of the snow will help her to get better....lots of love Cora......

Molly and Gertrude

Duke said...

Your snow looks so inviting! We sure wish we had some of it here! Paws stay crossed for you, Cora! Keep getting better and better, okay?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Agatha and Archie said...

Your snow looks lovely!! Well we are keeping our paws crossed tightly( it is taking Archie quite some time to get up the steps)for Miss Cora.....Love A+A

Noah the Airedale said...

Wow you Thuglets look like your having a ball in the snow.
Cora, take it easy matie, we know your still very sick and your pinkies and all the other thuglets are taking good care of you. We have our paws crossed that you're better real soon.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Alf said...

Lovely pictures Thuglets. Here's to Cora - keep it up and get better soon........Alf n Mindy xx

Faya said...

Nothing is better than playing in the snow !!!! Woooohooooo .....
Kisses, Faya

Amber-Mae said...

Cora's tummy better stop playing games with us. It's sooo scawie! But glad to know that she's still drinking. Water is very important to keep her hydrated. You guy6s looked like you had a pawsome time! Too bad that it only lasted for one day. Hopefully tomorrow, it will snow again.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Headgirl said...

Hi there!

It was lovely to see you all out enjoying the snow, especially Cora.
I'm wishing her well, I really am.

Pats & pets to all.
An extra hug to Cora

Neko said...

We are saying prayers for Cora, wish I could be in the snow with all of you. Love,Neko

Cassidy said...

You all be very big and fluffy. Mummy pulled lots of my hairs today and now me is skinny with big fluffy head!

Poor Cora, me hopes she feels better fast.

Cassidy x

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Thuglets...we so hope Miss Cora is feeling much much better...we are sending our powerful terrier vibes in her direction and also to ur parents so they may get some restful sleep. It's good she's drinkin'...our bodies know what we need and her's mite need a rest from food for a little bit....

So glad u had fun in ur snow...our's we have MUD to play in...even more fun!

Prayers and kisses to Cora....

Scruffy, Lacie and Babystan

Finni said...

Those are great pictures of you guys in deep snow with great big fur coats! We've just had a sprinkling of snow but I'm keeping my paws crossed for more.

Cora, you just keep getting better girl!

Finni xx

Ripley said...

What fun you had! It never snows where we live. We'll keep Cora in our thoughts and hearts until she's well, again.

Fred said...

I thinks y'all are the cutest things! Cora, I hopes you feel better. Thanks for saying hello!

Asta said...

Hi Thuglets
I'm so glad you all had some fun in that bootiful snow(I haven't had any this yeaw yet,booohooo)
I've been cwossing my paws and pwaying and will continue to do so..I'm so sowwy fowyouw wowwies !!
I hope Cora will wecovew and be able to fully enjoy the next snowfall
smoochie kisses

jaffeboy said...

Hey there, thanks for dropping by at my blog!

Wow, how many of you are there in the family!

I must say you have very brave hoomans! hehehe...

My Ma says, we terriers are real terrors!

Stanley said...

Whoa! That snow & you all look like a BLAST!

I'm sending extra heavy duty healing goober smooches to Cora. Keep us posted!

Goober love,