Teddy & Cora
Definitely mine!
Resting Cora Teddy and Holly
Paw it over Teddy....
Tug Tug Tug...Cora says I want a turn!
So what happened.......................
Whoops.....the end just came off in my mouth !!!!
But the ball is still intact! Cora has run off with it....
The Thuglets x
That looks so much fun! Can it go bang if you sink your teeth into it?
Yeth ..it can go bang and hiss just like the last one did!
Waouw this is...hum was (??) a nice ball...
Kisses, Faya
We had one that looked just like yours except that it was a basketball! It was lots of fun! Our rope broke too! oops!
Love ya lots,
Maggie & Mitch
woofies Thuglets!! wows watt funs u all had today wiff dat ball...
b safe,
You guys crack me up! I tear apart my toys just like that. Those ropes rip so easily. I hope you all have hours of fun with the ball!
Busy busy Thuglets!!! It was a nice ball for a while!!!! You guys are so numerous...how much food do the 6 of you eat in one day???????? In cups?????
Inquiring minds want to know!!
Lacie...( I eat 3/4 of a cup a day...Scruff eats less than one cup...!!)
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