Hole update! Cora has started several holes this week – but all have been quickly filled in. She’s not a girl to be put off infact a very determined young lady. This is tonights effort....

Tonight we have had some fun playing chase and tumble in the garden...oh boy..did we get muddy!

Dorcus, Holly & Teddy

Catch up with you all soon. Have a great weekend everyone.
The Thugletsx
Well done Cora for being so determined about your digging. You truly are an amazing girl. I am going to put more effort into my digging now that I have seen what can be achieved by a true pro.
Hey Thuglets, don't forget mud = bath....eeeeeep. Well it does here so our advice is HIDE. Maybe one of Cora's holes would be a good place.
Has K got the tape measure out for the beard growing comp? You guys look like great contenders!
Catch up soon.
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
I dug a teeny hole to put my new bone in, but I'm almost ashamed of it after Cora's magnificent efforts!
Happy weekend guys.
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Do you need some help ? Digg digg digg ... I like that...
Kisses, Faya
I see Cora is still hard at work! Great job, Cora!
Love ya lots,
I'm so happy that Cora keeps on digging. You go girl! You guys are lucky that you have each other to wrestle around with, but I agree with Noah, watch out for the mud. As a recently bathed Airedale, I can say, baths are sooo not fun. Play hard, but stay clean. You'll be much happier this way. Keep on playing, and for Cora, keep on digging!
Your Pal,
Cora Girl!
Because of you, I think your peeps are going to have to buy a backhoe just to keep up with you!
Here's hoping you all had a nice wallow in the mud together. Can't think of anything better!
Goober love,
woofies thuglets, gooooo cora goooo!!!
b safe,
You guys are the coolest. You must never run out of dogs to play with. I will add you to my blog links. Great to meet you guys. Love,Neko
Ah, muddy fun... THE BEST KIND :)
Keep digging Thuglets. I am waiting for you on the other end.
Ezzy Rider
Cora keep the digging up at least it gives kaz and Alan busy going round after you filling it in.
Dorcus you look as lovely as ever with or with out the mud.
Kiss kiss kiss
Hey Thuglets...do you guys ever get a bath all at the same time? It must take your parents a while to bath all of that Dale!!
Lacie dug another enormous Lakie hole this week...she's so quick...then she runs so it looks like i did it...You guys coming to the costume pawty on the 27th?????
muddy barks...Scruffy
Hi Thuglets!!!
I've missed you,but i know how busy you awe digging and playing and that's as it should be!
Hope you'we having loads of fun
smoochie kisses
Our heroes!!!!!You go girl(Cora) and Dig away( Hey,maybe you could dig over her to see us!!! Love A+A
Cora, you're a girl after my own heart.
Do you think if you start digging at your end, and I start digging at my end, we would meet in the middle someday?
William Tell
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