Friday 5 October 2007


Wow ..............we have been honoured by Lacy who has awarded us the

Quote from Lacy " The Thuglets, cora digies the biggest holeies" Thank you Lacy. Way to go Cora!!

We are continuing the LUV at Cora's request and passing the award to "The Dale & The Bear" Ellie & Harley from down under who are new to blogging.

Love The Thugletsx


Noah the Airedale said...

Congrats Thuglets, a well deserved award.

Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Duke said...

Congratulations! We love your blog!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Kirby said...

Congratulations you Thuglets,

No other blog makes me giggle as much as yours does. Keep digging those holes and keeping us doggies entertained!!

Your Pal,


Stanley said...

Love Love LOVE your blog!!

Good choice for sharing the love. Have a great weekend, Thuglets! Extra deep digging holes, Cora!

Goober love & admiration,

Miss Ellie and Baz said...

Wow Cora and the rest of the lovely Thuglets, thanks so much for sharing your i love your blog with US! Woo hoo hoe cool is that! The pinkies are even excited too!

Hugs and dale kisses to all 6 of you...Ellie and Harley xxxxxx

Faya said...

Congratulations ! I love your blog too !
Kisses, Faya

Asta said...

Congwatulations Thuglets!!!
I missed you at the pawty..wewe you busy witha nothew constwuction pwoject????
I miss you
smoochie kisses
My connection is dead so I can't post till fwiday, only wite lie this..sowwy

Annie & The Ragtails said...

We just wanted to add 14 nice cold wet noses to your lovely blog.

All the best from the Ragtail Airedales.
the art of terriers