Friday 2 September 2011

Webster My Birthday

Webster - My 7th Birthday Cake

I was 7 NOT 61!  Teddy explained the maths to me 6 + 1 = 7  (the boy is so funny).


As the Birthday Boy..I got the first slice . .. my favorite meringue with cream and choccie buttons

then tuck in time....yummy

my bowls empty ....


Teddy & Cora..could we have some more please?

Holly..we played the squirty cream on yer nose game....

 Webster... I'm not too sure about this game.  But the youngsters love it... they were all shouting "go on Webster"

so ..well just a small squirt then

oooooh  it was yummy...

Teddy  (no manners that boy) decided to see if there was any left

Can you belive it..he and Cora got to lick the plate!!

 After lots of fun it was time to relax and rest my paws!

I had a lovely special day.  My party was fun and my cake .... Yummalicous.  Thank you to everyone for my birthday posts and wishes.
As I was 7  got pawket money so I can decided what I would like as a prezzie.  How cool is that?  I think I am going to like being 7!   NOT 61 Teddy!

Bye for now

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx


WFT Nobby said...

Happy Birthday Webster.
You do look funny with with a squirty cream nose!
Toodle pip!

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Webster, Happy 7th (not 61st) Birthday. What a yummy looking cake you lucky boy. I like the squirty cream too. It looks fun. Hope you didn't get too sticky! No worries, and love, Stella

Duke said...

What a yummy birthday pawty, Webster! Mitch loves the squirt whipped cream but I run from that evil can!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

brooke said...

Oohh that looks like a yummy cake!
Happy 7th Birthday Webster!

Kari in Alaska said...

you got some good yummies!


My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Webster, that looked like a really fun party with all your favorite people and siblings. The cake sure looked yummy. I told my dad that Owen and I would like something like that at our birthday in September.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Happee Birthday Webster. Now that's a pawrty
Benny & Lily

Teddy Bear said...

Happy Barkday, Webster!!!

Teddy Bear & Sierra

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Can I have a lick of that cake please?

Chris said...

Happy Birthday, Webster. Your party looked like so much fun.
Thank you for stopping by Fabric,Food and Fido with well wishes for Lily. It is truly appreciated.

George The Lad said...

Webster you had the bestest birthday, your cake well what can I say, I know
One of these days I'm going to turn up at your place, I've just got to try your mom Yorkshire Pudding, and play in your tunnel moms says you all look so cute in the photos.
Have a good week
See Yea George who knows he won't be getting YP on Sunday :(xxxx

Dexter said...

Happy Birthday! The cake must have been wonderful. Not one crumb left.


Jans Funny Farm said...

Oooh, what yummy treats for your special - 7 not 6 - birthday party. And you got pocket money. Great. The only way we'll ever get pocket money is if it falls out of Jan's pocket but so far ... nada.

julee said...

Happy Birthday Webster. What a wonderful birthday party and present. YUMMO!

FiveSibesMom said...

Wow...such yummy treats and love that pic with the cream on your nose! What a fun (and delish) Birthday celebration you had!!!

Sally said...

What a great day.
Too bad I could not be there.

Nice woooh

Inky and Molly said...

Happy Birthday!!
It seems that our invite got missing in the mail :(
Looks like you had a good day without us!

Karen Raye and Bentley Beargrass said...

Too adorable. Missed you B-day so Happy Belated Birthday Webster! Looks like everyone enjoyed the cake!

Persephone and Buster said...

Oh webster.. sounds like you had the happiest of birthday partieeez. So happy to hear you got the age issue cleared up...those humans are M & M's...math morons, sometimes. course when you say their age they're all over you if you add to many numbers together... what's a dog to do.. love the squirts too..
theBUSTER, Ms.Blue, Ms.Persephone, & Ms. Grrrace the grrreat!