Sunday 18 September 2011

B for Boomer

We won a Prize....... we won George The lads "Walking with Boomerang" book! 

Teddy of course had to read it to us... George went on "The Historical Walk".  We say a HUGE paw thankyou to George and his Mum and apologise as we thought (our silly PA again) that we had posted about our win ages ago! doh

We are thinking we will one day maybe load up the webbie wagon (yes Webster has a land rover named after him!) with our pawsacks and go for a Boomerang walk.

Then Cora remembered we have a Boomer off she went to find it...

 Boomer is very hard and moves very fast...

Teddy arrived and decided to make his voice heard that he wanted the Boomer..

 He went on and on....

 and On and on..getting louder and louder...

 and on and on.......


at last he stopped for breath.......

Good he's gone for a drink ....its mine again!

 Webster .... it's ok Holly you can uncover your ears now he has shut up! That boy is so LOUD!

Meanwhile someone took the hint and began to paint!

So it seems we have a major paint project under way here.  But we will make sure we still have time to play and rest our paws!

  Now what day is it..mmmmmmmm  Sunday yipppeeeeeeeeee  Yorkie Puddin Day!!

Have a great weekend everyone.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx


STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Thuglets, congratulations on your prize. Heaps cool. We love your red ball too. Gee Teddy, I think we heard you from Oz hehehe. Enjoy your Sunday. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

violett said...

Congratulations on your prize!
A quick hello from me. Mama's gone for almost 3 weeks. Stay healthy and true to me.
See you soon

George The Lad said...

I do hope you can make it for a walk over this side one day, I will be intouch with Boomer to have a look at your post and your red Boomer ball.
I'm resting up today still no sign of any yorkshire's coming my way!! enjoy yours
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx

FiveSibesMom said...

Congrats on winning the book! Looks like you guys had fun reading it! Your red ball photos are just beautiful! Happy Sunday!

rottrover said...

Bart does that annoying yell when he wants something. Have you heard him??

-Ruby and Gizmo (who both just take whatever we want!!)

julee said...

Hey guys,
Congrats on your win. it would be great to go for a walk across the pond.

LOVE that red ball....looks like it will get alot of use!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That is a most impressive ball! #1 says it looks a bit like the one that Vidock plays with!!!


Duke said...

Congratulations on your book win!
We used to have a ball sorta like your boomer ball. You have to drive it and dad got tired of us bashing it into his woodworking equipment! Dad is so picky!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Thuglets - the book looks very interesting, I'm glad that you guys won. The Boomer ball looks fun too - it allows all of you to play together and that's the best. Thanks for leaving a note on my blog. Owen says thank you too.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Congrats on your win. Hope you get to go on a boomerang walk. We sure love that red ball - looks like you all have a lot of fun with it.

Happy Yorkie Puddin Day - did you get to have some?

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Two French Bulldogs said...

now that is one cool book and awesome red ball!!
Benny & Lily

Wyatt said...

We wish we could go with you!!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Remington said...

That is the coolest red ball I have ever seen!

The Black and Tans. said...

HI Thuglets

We have had guests and not been allowed on the 'puter. GRRRRRr

Anyway we have to say your prize looks absolutely spiffing. Did you know that our Auntie B met Boomer last weekend? We were so jelly.

WE love it when our hoomans try and kick our boomer balls, the hopping motion shortly afterwards is always hilarious to watch.

Keep up your supervision of the painting, your hoomans look to be doing a great job there.

M, T, M and W

Pee S. We are off to meet George at the weekend. We are so excited.

Sally said...

Congratulations on your prize.

Nice woooh

Finni said...

Hahaha, Teddy! I do that, ... going on and on that is.

Congratulations on your prize!
That is a good looking ball you have there!

Finni xx

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hey, Teddy, you sure did have a lot to say. You remind us of Buddy. He likes to yell just for the fun of it too. And Sam runs a close second.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oops, we forgot to congratulate you on your win and your prize.

The Duke said...

A Boomer! I needs one! Congrats on yer winnins, by the way!

Karen Raye and Bentley Beargrass said...

I think a boomer ball is in order too. Going to go find one at the store!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Wow,, you won a book!!!!?
How cook is that?
You two look like teddy bears playing with the red ball!
Your too adorable.
The ball looks like so much fun! I wish I had a red ball too

Agatha and Archie said...

WHOA that looks like a very cool ball!! You will have to get ear plugs if he keeps that up( I will admit that every once in awhile I will bark RIGHT in Archie ear.. Its good for them..... Love and a billion kisses A+A

The Boston Lady said...

I need to find one of those balls. First of all because I want my Bostons to be just like you Thuglets, second because they pop every ball they get! Looks like good times and if it were here, Sadie would be the one barking her silly head off.

Get back to painting now.... Ann TBL

Michelle said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog and saying "hi" to my dales! Your dales are absolutely adorable, including the ones that are in heaven. I had a male airedale, Toby, but he passed away before his fifth birthday. He had IMHA (immune mediated hemolitic anemia). I miss him very much. The two dales I have now are Toby's full blooded sisters. Savannah is nine and Sasha is eight.

I am following your blog now and look forward to hearing more about your airedales.

How Sam Sees It said...



Sherry said...

Ha, Teddy, you're not the only one. When I locked Miro away from the stairs while I painted walls and trim, he, too, went on and on and ON with bigbadbarks telling me to open that gate!