Doughnuts.. yummy custard filled DOUGHNUTS
There were 4....the question was have we been good?
Answer "Yes of course"
We stared at them in the hope they would come to us..
PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE...we have been very good!
Webster...ate his like a gentleman does
DALEICIOUS said Webster
Yummy said Holly..any chance of another?
You could take my picture showing the yellow custard!
Cora..whoops sorry I have eaten mine as well!
Maybe if I had another you could take my picture?
So where is Teddy?
Well one chomp of his doughnut and it was gone.
He said he couldn't hang around for pictures.
He's gone to see if he can find some more!
But we had been very good and they were Daleicious.
Hope everyone is having a great week.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx