Thursday 12 August 2010

Rare Mo

A RARE MO...The 6 Thuglets!

Then there were 5......

Yep definately's the 6 of us!!!!!

Oh PAWS! Now where has Ellie gone?

Where has Ellie wandered off to??? Doesn't she know this is important!

We are being sooooooo soooooooo good! OK....Well 5 of us are?

Yikes Holly..what are you doing? Did Teddy teach you that!

This was what it was all about...... a MERINGUE moment!

Yum Yum Yummy .......did we enjoy em..we ate them so fast she had no time for a piccie! LOL

Ellie I would like another one pleeease.....

We needed to thuglet airemow the whole grass in case any crumbie of merangie had escaped!

Hopefull we might just get another?

Teddy said......Keep her busy..I'll check see if any left!

Nope sadly all gone..but they were good and so were we!

Friday morning and it is dark, howling a gale and pouring down outside ..have to see what we can do today. Maybe just have to put our paws up and stay warm inside!

Have a good weekend everyone!

Big Nose Pokes

The Thugletsx


George The Lad said...

I thoughts I had to much to drink in the pub last night, that means that any one of you could have been a body double on any of your posts!! great photo, have you got a pack name for them rare moments that your all together!
See Yea George xxx

The Black and Tans. said...

Can we come and live with you? We NEVER have meringue! We are so deprived.

MOlly, Taffy and Monty

Karen Raye and Bentley Beargrass said...

I so enjoy looking at the pics with all the black and tans together- it puts a really big smile on my face! Have a great weekend!

Duke said...

Of course Ellie was first to get a meringue! We senior girls are always hungry!
We've never had meringue before! This is just too horrible to even think about!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

hkairedalespack said...

Thanks for visiting our bloggy. We've never had meringue, it looks yummy! Nice photos of you all - such a cute and happy group.
Hugs, Miley and Mariah

Dexter said...

Six thuglets in one photo! What are the odds of that? I should have known there were foodables near by.


Lorenza said...

I guess you need to frame one or two of those pictures where you all are together!
Merengues! I love them!
Kisses and hugs

Sunshade said...

We LOVE LOVE LOVE all the pictures with 5/6 of you all together!!!! What a scene. Does your mom ever walk all 6 of you outside????? I think she would be in Guinese's World Record book if she did!

ps. its so great to see you guys back (i know i've said that already, but just wanted to emphasize)!

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Wyatt said...

You dogs are the cutest! So nice to meet you all. Thanks for visiting my blog!


Agatha and Archie said...

Hee hee you guys crack us up.. Listen WE HAVE NEVER HAD MERINGUE EITHER and it looks quite tasty.. We will have to look into this.. Love A+A