Well everything was going very well Cora was doing an excellent job digging – unknown to the hoomans her hole was so big she could go in and turn around! We were all sworn to secrecy and hoomans appear and we act nonchalant so as to not draw attention to the hole. This even involved Cora sitting pretty chewing her large chew as a decoy from the hole.
Things were going diggingly – Cora is like a JCB GT Turbo (a big yellow digging machine only of course she is black and tan) the earth she can get through absolutely dalecredible!
Then disaster struck – we had a collapse. The east wing gave way! Fortunately Cora and none of us were in it, or nearby as a second hole appeared by itself! 

That did it the hoomans appeared – shock and horror at a gaping hole and a tunnel entrance. A head count was done to make sure we were all present and correct. We were all swiftly marched moved into the yard out of harms way – so no fun in the new crater.
New Crater
Entrance to Tunnel showing shovel.
Crater with shovel end!
The pad lock was employed on the gate – now that’s another story to be continued… LOL
The Thugletsx
The Thugletsx
Oh my guys. You have certainly been busy, don't dig too near to the house now!!!!
Alf n Mindy
Oh my guys - you have been busy. Don't dig too near to the house now - you might end up with a bungalow!!!
Alf n Mindy
I will never cease to be amazed by the digging that girl can do!!!
Katy xxx
You coould get paid for digging holes like that, Cora! Companies would pay you the big buck or maybe you'd prefer a lifetime supply of treats!
Love ya lots,
OMG we knew it, you're trying to make your way to Australia just to see us....good for you Thuglets. We'll keep an eye out incase you pop up here soon. Do you have good directions?? Send us an email if you need help.
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy
Cora,We will have to meet up with as we ADORE digging tooo( but you have gotten way further than we have! You go girl!!!! Love A+A
Hi Guys,
Oh, you did it this time! All that digging and then a collapse, no fair! I hope once the lock is removed, you get back out there and have more digging fun. Just stay safe and remember to reinforce the walls and ceiling. Happy Digging!
Whoa, Cora Girl!
You were doing some SERIOUS digging there. I had no idea how elaborate your plans were. I'm usually satisfied with a simple hole, not a complete tunnel system.
Hope you all get sprung from the yardjail soon so you can secure your digging site.
Goober love & admiration,
woofies thuglets!!! oh my dog, u guys can dig bigger holes than i can...lol i dig it and daddy fills it up, then i dig it again...lol too funny...mama just laughs....
b safe,
We just knew it, you digging your way to Australia right. You're coming to see us woo hoo. We'll keep a lookout for you. Who knows where you'll pop up. Good luck Thuglets.
Noah & the gals
It sort of reminds me of a scene from the film 'The Great Escape'
Cora certainly can dig..
Pats & pets to all
Thanks guys- any maps or plans would be very useful for future digging.
The Thuglets
Hey Thuglets..you guys need some safety issues addressed...supplemental oxygen, drinking water supply, a deck of cards, a cell phone, and perhaps several cases of beer stashed in the tunnel in case of a collaspe and you're trapped!! Great diggies!!!
Envious barks, Scruffy and Lacie
Wow, that's one scary hole you dug there. Actually, that's one impressive hole you dug there. I'm gobsmacked.
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