Thank you so much we are absolutely honoured.
If it had not been for Molly & Taffy (and of course Hilary) we would not have started our blog. Thank you for helping us.
Now we need to pass on the "love" - so we are off to a committee meeting!
The Thuglets x
We love your blog! You are totally deserving, especially with six Airedales! Our mom salutes you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Man! It's like Aire Heaven just coming by your blog! I saw you on Molly & Taffy's blog, and I see that we have many of the same friends.
I am Stanley, a rescue Aireboy, and it's very cool to make your acquaintance. Please come by and see me sometime in GooberStan. The more Dales the merrier! I am going to link my blog to yours so I can come back often to check on your doings!!
Your new goober bud,
THANK YOU SO MUCH for my birthday card Thuglets - and especially Teddy!! What a beautiful card - it looks just like me!
Mummy says thankyou too for her card, you are all very kind :)
Love Gertrude
Dearest Thuglets,We like Stan (our main man)saw your name and came on over! We are Agatha and Archie wire fox terrier brother and sister who live in Bostotnn Ma.COme on over and visit! We will link to you so we can come back often!! Love A+A
Like your special award. It's great to catch up and see all of you growing. Love the blog.
Great photo's it's great to read and catch up on all my mates.
How lucky to get a award from Hils.
Congrats on the award Thuglets, it really is well deserved and thanks for signing our guestbook.
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy
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