Saturday 10 November 2012

6 Today

Happy Birthday Teddy 
6 today!  

They thought it was funny to write on my T.shirt! haha

I am having to wear this STUPID T Shirt  cos I had surgery on Thursday to remove a nasty lump from my right shoulder and one from my rear left side. 

I am in solitary confinement. I am not allowed to be with the others as I have to rest and must not run around and jump for 10 whole days!   I am only allowed outside on a lead to toilet.  So no birthday cakie and pawtry for me today!

This is my right shoulder a 5" wound.

 My left side a 2" wound

Actually I am being a very brave Teddy and solitary confinement is really not so bad!

Time to continue my rest even though I am 6 today!  

Happy Birthday Teddy The Rocket Man
We love you to bits!

Mum, Dad, Cora Holly & Webster xx

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsxx

From Teddys' Mum...........

We had Teddy's lumps fine needle tested 3 weeks ago and the results came back as benign sebaceous lypuplasia or sebaceous adenoma. There was however a the risk that the benign cells, a percentage of them could active themselves and become cancerous spreading throughout his body.  Also the lump showed signs of having  been aggravated by the needle test and showed signs of growth.The lump on his shoulder was already large (it was actually 2 lumps with a hardening between them under the skin)having grown quickly and surgery at this stage could be done with a good clean area removed.  We were not prepared to take any chances with him.

The lumps have been sent for histology and we should have the results early next week. 

Teddy is doing really well and has surprised us by being a star patient!


GOOSE said...

Happy birthday Teddy!! I am sure when you are all healed up you will get that cake and super party. You look great at 6. Hope the 10 days fly by for ou.

Andrea W. said...

Happy birthday dear Teddy! We wish you a very speedy recovery ♥♥♥
And after this ten days a very big bone ☺
best wishes from Frodo and Mika

Wyatt said...

Happy Birthday Teddy! Love your T-shirt. Maybe you can have a pawtay in a couple of weeks!

Love, Wyatt and Stanzie

Duke said...

Happy Birthday, Teddy! It doesn't seem fAire that you should have stitches on your special day! You will have to wait two weeks and then have the biggest celebration pawty ever!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

The Black and Tans. said...

Happy Barkday Teddy. What a shame you can't have your party today, but we rather expect you are being spoilt rotten with loads of extra cuddles.

We have all our paws crossed that your results come back OK. Hope they come back soon cos walking with crossed paws is a tad difficult.....

Molly, Taffy, , Monty and Winnie

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Happy Birthday, Teddy! Sorry about the surgery and solitary confinement but you do look quite handsome in your T-Shirt and we're sure you'll make up for the lack of fun today later!

I am also a bit under the weather at the moment, so you have all my sympathy!


Ruby said...

Oh, Teddy, that sucks you have owies on your special day! Butts, at least you look happy! Doesn't seem to bother you much, huh? What a brave solider!
I hopes you get some extra treaties!
Fingers crossed that the results come back clean!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Birthday, Teddy - we think you look very spiffy in your shirt, but we are sorry for the reason. We hope you heal well and we really hope all the tests come back with good results.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

The Boston Lady said...

Happy Birthday Teddy and speedy recovery! I think your shirt looks quite nice. Wishing for the best on the results mom and dad. Gotta take care of Teddy, for sure. So good to see a post from you! Ann TBL

Dexter said...

Happy birthday, Teddy! Those stitches are impressive.

Momma appreciated the medical commentary from your mom. I think it was very smart to chop out those nasty bumps. But 10 days is a long time for a big old dale to "take. It easy."


Two French Bulldogs said...

Happy Birthday sweetie
Benny & Lily

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Yikes Teddy!!! My dad was so excited to see another post by The Thuglets, that he called out to my mom. But then the picture of your rack of stitches came up and my dad ran off yelling something about holy s*it and stitches. He's such a wimp, he said the same thing when he came back from a business trip, and my bother Owen had to have the same thing done along side his right rear leg for the same reason that Teddy had it done for.

Leigh said...

Happy Birthday Teddy for yesterday and we so hope you are all healed very soon and can enjoy a belated pawty with plenty of treats. Sending hugs from Magic & family xx

Smile With Your Tail said...

We have missed you all! Happy Birthday! Speed recovery.


STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Happy Birthday Teddy, sorry you had to have surgery mate. Those were some wowza stitches! Paws crossed all is well. We hope when you are recovered you have a totally fab time celebrating. Take it easy mates. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Teddy Bear said...

Happy 6th Barkday, Teddy! We hope you had the best day, ever and that you heal nicely.

Teddy Bear & Sierra

Alf said...

Happy Belated Birthday to my big Brother!

Hope you get better soon and that you can pawty with the others!

Take it easy bruv

Mindy xxx

Charlene and Storm said...

happy 6th birthday teddy!!

and hope you heal really fast and your results all come back ok.

Lots of birthday kisses

Charlene and Stormy

Thor and Jack said...

Happy Birthday Teddy!
We hope you have a speedy recovery!

Thor and Jack

Remington said...

Happy Birthday, my friend! I hope you heal quickly!

Bassetmomma said...

Happy 6thBirthday Teddy! I sure hope those ouchies heal up quickly and all is well!

How Sam Sees It said...

Happy 6th Birthday! Sam is feeling your pain - he was recuperating from surgery over his birthday too!

We are wishing you a speedy recovery!


Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy Birthday to prisoner Teddy in solitary ICU confinement. We hope you heal quickly and can soon celebrate.

Lorenza said...

Happy Birthday Teddy!
You look grrrreat!
I hope you get good results this week and then you can have a super duper celebration!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Kirsten (peacefuldog) said...

Oh, what a way to spend your birthday! Good to have those removed though. My Tashi had a benign lump for years starting at around age 12; I believe that eventually it did become cancerous and was what killed her at age 15. Better safe than sorry!

Sherry said...

Nice to see you back, Teddy. Now that you're a mature gentleman, we are sure you can wait a few more days for a real, big Birthday Blast when your stitches are all healed up. (Alanis will have two small lumps removed next Monday, same reasons.)
Sherry, Alanis & Miro

Declan said...

Sorry I missed your birthday mate! Bummer about the operation huh?! Hope you're better soon and get to have cake and a party! Deccy x

Stewey said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Teddy!