Sunday 15 January 2012

Saturday visitors

We are having a very cold and frosty weekend!  We had some very unexpected visitors to Base Camp Thuglets!

Early yesterday morning we hid in the trees. Cora... I am still wearing some of my camouflage 

There in our field was a Foxy who was about to catch something..

She was then joined by her friend..

They started having a play fight...

Can you believe it... right in the middle of our play field?  Maybe more than just friends?

Clearly they were Mr & Mrs Fox.  They tied together playing push me pull me for 35 minutes!

They made such a racket..Holly & Timothy came out to see what was happening 

Afterwards they hung around a while...she was doing a dance

Then Mrs Fox took off..

she's a fast mover..

Where's she going asked Mr Fox .  who soon followed her.

Phew.. now we have our breakfast in peace said Holly & Timothy

Holly....Carrots and ginger bikkies are always worth waiting for!

Timothy..not forgetting our extra strong minties!

Holly  ..yes we have two Holly's live here! Now can we eat please?

The pond you can see in our field is the result of all the rain we have had. Most days we have 2 herons living on it. (We had some photos but someone..her who shall not be named appears to have deleted them)!

Have a good weekend everyone.  

Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets x


Finn said...

Wow, that was a very exciting morning! Maybe soon you will have little foxes coming for a visit too!

The Black and Tans. said...

Fancy disturbing Timothy and Holly's meal time! Ginger nuts, carrots and mints....... Were you having a party?

M, T, M and W.

Duke said...

We hope Mr and Mrs Foxy bring the kids back so you can meet them!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

rottrover said...

What a morning!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wow, what an exciting morning! We have had a fox just outside our fence, but just one, and no antics like THAT!!! BOL. Wonder if you will see little ones soon.

Thanks for showing us Timothy and Holly - very nice to meet them.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Smile With Your Tail said...

Brrr, its been frosty here too!

Oh wow, I bet those foxes were amazing to watch, I wonder if the cubs will come to visit!


julee said...

LOL - push me pull me...very funny!

What a wild morning you had. Gesh, they don't have to be so brazen about it. hahaha

Two Holly's are better than one!

Violet and company

GOOSE said...

Very cool. We have a fox at the church. It lets MOM get about 5 feet away from it. I have not gotten that close to it. But maybe because I run up real fast. MOM just sort of walks real slow.

Berts Blog said...

How very cool. We loved every picture. You live in such a cool place.

Two French Bulldogs said...

That is so awesome seeing those foxes playing
Bennyv& Lily

The Duke said...

That is a Funderfull way to spend a Saturday, Thuglets! You are so lucky to have seen the foxes. WOOF!

Lorenza said...

Sure it was interesting to see them!
Glad Holly and Timothy finally enjoyed their breakfast!
Happy sunday to all of you!
Kisses and hugs

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Thuglets, that's really cool. You have a nice place with lots of furry friends. We haven't seen any foxes around here but we've seen coyotes, skunks and a few blue herons. And we have lots of snow too.

Unknown said...

Your morning sounds really exciting with foxies visiting your play field. I bet they like your play field a lot.

We have no foxes, no snow, no donkeys... nothing. We only have the hot sun!!!

Declan said...

Oooh you are lucky having all those friends and big fields to play in. Deccy x

Remington said...

Great pics! I love to watch fox....they are so cool!

Sherry said...

I would be so thrilled to see foxes in a field--whatever thay happened to be doing--as long as they stayed in the field and away from the chicken house.
p.s. Would be happy to send you our snow!

Wyatt said...

Mr. and Mrs. Fox should get a room...jeez! Next you will have the whole family parading around your place...ha ha!


STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Thuglets, what a great morning, especially for Mr and Mrs Fox hehehe. Oh we do love your photos of Timothy and Holly. Their faces are just so darn gorgeous. Hope you got to enjoy your breakfast together. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Michelle said...

Wow...those foxes sure put on a good show for you...LOL. It is snowing here right now, but it looks like your neck of the woods received more snow than ours. My dale Savannah wasn't impressed with the dusting we got last night. She is waiting for a big storm!

Kari in Alaska said...

Those must have left AWESOME smells

Stop on by for a visit

KB said...

Wow, that was a really cool series of photos of the foxes. I guess that you'll be having baby foxes in the neighborhood in a couple of months. They're SO cute. One spring, I watched a den of baby foxes for weeks on end. The little furballs played like maniacs. Wow!!!!! Thanks for sharing.

Juno said...

You guys saw foxes!!! That's so so exciting!! We'd love to see their dance in real life!

Momo & Pinot xoxo