Well Saturday morning here again at Base Camp Thuglet
Webster had just got up and couldn't do a thing with his beard!
Cora was zoomin around
Rocketman was on a mission..to where or what ..who knows?
Cora .... the stupid weather person promised us snow this weekend
This is the closest to snow we got.......snowdrops!
Holly was calling for breakie
Tims asked if anyone could shut her up..I am trying to relax
Holly make sure you get my good side!
Togetherness..oh yeah?
He says I am Miss Pushy pants
He loves me really!
I make everyone smile!
We got to play with a stick (thanks everyone for the help about stick playing)
Cora...Teddy won't let me have the stick
Holly..I would really like my breakie now..it's nearly dinner time!
Webster agreed time to eat.. enough play and photos thankyou! What she's taken 231???
Cora..oh paws just when I got the stick!
Happy weekend everyone what ever you are doing!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
P.S. If you have snow PLEASE PLEASE send us some?