Thursday 17 November 2011

Especially For Molly

hi Everyone...Teddy here

We are really worried our Bestest friend Molly
( Molly,Taffy, Monty & Winnie) has had an accident and hurt her back.
Please do drop in and send positive thoughts for Molly and her family who are naturally very worried about her... 

We know Molly loves sardines.  So after our huge success at making liver cakie we thought lets make Molly some sardine cake to make her feel better....  we got out the ingredients

"Flippin heck " said Teddy...we are missing two eggs..we need  4!

Well where did two eggs go?  

 Now instead of making sardine cake for Molly, I end up on the dreaded table... 

So said Webster ..can someone please get some eggs for Molly's sardine cake?  I haven;t got much hair left!!!

Molly get well soon ...we love you!

 Hopefully we will make some sardine cakie  for Molly tomorrow!

Extra Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsxx


Stewey said...

Aww - poor Molly. Thanks for the info - I'm heading over there now.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Will are sending positive vibes to Molly
Benny & Lily

The Boston Lady said...

I think I would love a sardine cake and how kind of you Thuglets to make one for her! I will stop by and wish Molly a quick recovery. Ann TBL

Declan said...

I saw that she wasn't well yesterday. Hope things improve soon. Deccy x

Duke said...

We're worried about Molly too, Teddy. We're sending her lots of AireZen and hoping that her back feels better soon!
We have lots of eggs at our house. We'll send you as many as you need!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh we saw on FB that Molly got hurt...we have our paws crossed that they figure out the problem and the solution...poor sweet girlie....

You're lookin' good Teddy!!!

Love you buckets...

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanny

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Thuglets, we have been to visit Molly and sent her hugs and healing slobber. It should work a treat. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Wyatt said...

Thanks for the heads up about Molly. We will go send our get well wishes right now.

Wyatt and Stanzie

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Gosh,,,, I am sorry about your friend Molly.
I went to send some healing thoughts her way.
I think the sardine cake will help too.

Unknown said...

We are sending our vibes to Molly and will visit her later.

That's very sweet of you, Teddy!

booahboo said...

Hello there Thuglets :) There's so many of you... thanks for dropping by our side :)

Didya get to make sardine cake for Molly yet? I am sure it would be super nommieeeeee...

woofs n licks,

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

We continue to have our paws crossed for sweet Molly. You are so nice to want to make her sardine cakes. Yum.
BabyRD & Hootie

Dexter said...

I am sure that all your terrier vibes are going right to her to help her be strong and brave and get better.


Sally said...

Poor Molly. We have our paws crossed for Molly.

Nice woooh

The Black and Tans. said...

Thank you so much for this special post for my big sister. She is felling a little better today and we hope she continues to improve each day.
Hope the sardine cake came out well, bet you are very efficient quality control tasters.


My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

We hope that Molly will be okay soon. Molly can borrow my doctor's laser so that Molly will feel better. There's also chiropractic and acupuncture stuff too.

julee said...

Aw, poor Molly. you guys are good friends to try to make goodies for her. we can see you're handsome eyes.

FiveSibesMom said...

We sure hope your pal Molly will be feeling better real soon.

Maggie Mae and Max said...

We will be sendin' boxer puppy prayers out to your furiend Molly. :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

The Duke said...

Do please let us know if you find out how sweet Molly is doing. We went to the blog site and left a message.