Tuesday 18 October 2011

A Special Day

Sunday was a very special day for us, the 1st anniversary of the day we had to say goodbye to our very special girl Ellie 

So in true Thuglet style we decided to celebrate by having a special tea with her favourite cakie.  Victoria sponge with fresh cream and jam!

Someone (Teddy) couldn't wait to get his paws on it...

yikes he opened the self service department...




Webster..mines all gone

Webster ..it was lubbley here's to Auntie Ellie

just making sure it's all gone

YIKES...he's at it again

Cora found some on her nose..

Teddy.. aww shame it's all gone. Sorry I forgot my self!

Cora.. Auntie Ellie had great taste in cakie

Holly..oh yes Auntie Ellie knew about the good things in life she taught us all so much..except perhaps Teddy's manners!

We all miss Aunty Ellie very much.

Extra Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets x


 22.12.97 - 16.10.2010

 Our quiet beautiful lady who gave us all so much love, pleasure and very many happy memories.  Thank you Ellie for being you.

Karen & Alan x
The Thuglets mum & dad


Unknown said...

Ellie was a beauty, we miss her too!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

It's always good to remember those who have gone ahead with a smile, and CAKE!!!


My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Thuglets, your parents have the greatest style - how to turn a very sad anniversary into a celebration that all can enjoy. My mom and dad remembered the seventh anniversary of the passing of our uncles, Wupper and Max this year. My parents miss our "uncles" a great deal as I'm sure your parents do with Ellie. Maybe that's why there's so many of us and why there's so many Thuglets.

Two French Bulldogs said...

What a nice way to celebrate Ellie
Benny & Lily

Sally said...

What a wonderful post.
Elli was a very nice girl.

Nice woooh

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ellie was such a pretty girl. It is hard to believe it has already been a year. That is a great way to celebrate her life Yummerlicious cake!!!

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

George The Lad said...

I raise a glass to Ellie, a year my how the time flies, but she will never be forgotten
Love and Hugs to you all
George, Tess and Jan xxx

brooke said...

What a lovely way to remember such a pretty girl.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Oh my -

A year?!?

Yikes ;-(

What a pawesome and tasty way to rekhall her soooooo furry fondly!


STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Everybuddy, we didn't know Miss Ellie but she sure did know her cake. Enjoy your special memories. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Duke said...

We miss you so much too, Miss Ellie! We're so glad you guys celebrated in style!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

rottrover said...

Oh Thuglets... What a sweet jesture for your sweet Ellie. We're getting mom to do this next year for our Gizmo.

-Bart and Ruby

Tweedles -- that's me said...

This was a wonderful way to celebrate Ellie! She was awsome, and she will be celebrated forever!
Thank you for allowing us to join in.

Dexter said...

I have no doubt that Miss Ellie would approve. Nommy!


Asta said...

What a lovely way to remember Miss Ellie. Teddy we really love your enthusiasm!!

Love: Flat Molly, Flat Taffy, Flat Monty and Flat Winnie.

PS Hope our furry selves are being good.

The Boston Lady said...

What a wonderful way to remember beautiful Ellie! With an "E" no less on those tasty cakes. Ann TBL

julee said...

Lovely way to celebrate your girl. She has a great name too.

The Duke said...

What a nice way to remember Ellie. AireGRRlz are speshul, aren't they?

Thor and Jack said...

Beautiful way to remember Ellie. She was a beautiful girl.