Monday 22 August 2011

7 Weeks

Yikes says Holly we can't believe we have been missing for 7 weeks! 

So where have we been?  NO WHERE! 

 Our PA is USELESS! 

Teddy investigates a bag of hair!

Which as you will see belonged to him!

This is Webster having a treat whilst his airedoo began.........

Teddy decided to be helpful and after reading the manual
 on the new hoover set to work..

The boys wanted to help our personal gardener in cutting the grass... but they both wanted to drive. We feared for our they had to watch instead!

Cora spent a lot of time watching what was going on...

We were all most surprised early one morning when bunny watching we heard a strange noise and look what we saw........

It flew right by us..the noise was very very loud

Frightened our bunnies it did (we actually counted 35 the other morning..hmmm maybe thats why we have been missing so long all this bunny watching?)

Then the other evening the heron dropped in for a visit

Last night who came to visit.....Foxy popped in

Well we have thanks to our Useless PA lots of catching up to do!
We hope everyone well and we'll be visiting soon!

Holly says we'll be back again soon.  I need to go hide now, the dreaded airedoo table looms!!!! 

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx 


George The Lad said...

Hi, sure have missed you, but sometimes a blogging break is good, its looks like you where kept busy.
Good luck with the grooming ;)
Have a good week
See yea George xxx
Let me see, thats 7 weekends of yorkshire pubs, and I haven't had any :( I did hear mom and dad saying we might go to Yorkshire on holiday next year, hope so it must mean I can have some every day :)

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Thuglets, hurray you are back. We have missed your furry little faces. A hot air balloon. Cool! Lots of little creatures visiting your place, you lucky things. You all look great. No worries, and love, Stella

Dexter said...

Look at all those bunnies! Nom, nom, nom. Can't wait to see the airecuts.


Kari in Alaska said...

We are glad you are back!


My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Thuglets, wow - its been like forever since we last heard from you. My dad thought that you might have gotten really busy or were off on another trip. But we're glad that all seems well at your house. Grooming and bunnies - I'm sure those are things that Sunshade and her evil mum adore.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Welcome back. It sure is looking nice over there
Benny & Lily

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

So good to see you all again - we too have missed you. We have those big balloons fly over our yard too. And sometimes they are low enough that we can even hear voices coming from them. We keep telling them to toss down some treats but nothing yet. BOLOLOL.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

violett said...

Oh yes, we missed you and are glad to read from you.
Not observed the rabbits, but sets you on the computer and write posts.*lol*
Lots of love

Duke said...

We've never seen so many bunnies in one spot before!
We sure have missed you guys!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

The Boston Lady said...

I've been wondering where your beautiful faces have been! Please tell Pa not to deprive us of our Thuglet fix again! Lots and lots of hair, oh my. Ann TBL

The Black and Tans. said...

Well hello there! We fully understand that wildlife watching is very time comsuming.... bunny counting is a very difficult task! They keep hopping around and fidgeting and you have to start counting all over again.

Anyway make sure your PA keeps on top of your typing and we look forward to your next blog update from Basecamp Thuglets.

M, T, M and W

Terrorzinhos said...

Hello friends!!
Your pictures are great!
The Foxy is soo beautiful!
You guys look soooo cute!

We know that you're having problems with the translation of our blog. Try to use the translator of google toolbar...

julee said...

We missed you guys, but you sure have been busy in your own yard! Everybody likes to visit you!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Wow, you sure get interesting company. We just get squirrels and an occasional chipmunk.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I am so happy you are back.
You were missed A LOT!

H and Flo said...

:) That's a lot of rabbit pie... love all the visiting wildlife!

H and Flo