Hello Everyone & Happy Easter!
no we haven't been zapped by daleians were still here and pleased to report all fit and well.
Don't you just find your PA can be quite hopeless sometimes? They come back from holiday (ages ago) and then she is too busy doing other things..can you believe it! Anyway we have got our paws back on the computer at last.
Easter brought the sun and fun as well as lots of bonios & gravey bones! yum yum yummie
Easter brought the sun and fun as well as lots of bonios & gravey bones! yum yum yummie
Webster ..trust me it really is safer to stay out of their way sometimes!
Cora...Holly you need sortin out girl!
Thank you to everyone who has sent lovely message and emails asking where we were. Says Teddy
Holly ..we have got too hairy again oh heck
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsxx
Hi Thuglets, how are you all? You are all looking great and happy. We are fine down here in the land of Oz and think about you often.
Love from Molly & Gertrude
So glad that you're all back! I miss you all a lot and I understand how hopeless our humans can be sometimes, my mom is so much behind and her excuses are so lame!!!
~ Eva
Good to know you're having a wonderful Spring. MMM gravy bones sounds gooooood...
Welcome bak. Looks like it's a fun filled day over there
Benny & Lily
Glad to see you back :)
YAY!! Glad you're back! Looking happy and full of fun :-) Hope the humans had a nice vacation...
-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby
Oh, we are happy again to read from you.
Yes, we had nice Easter, weather permitting. And I also had Easter Birthday
Lots of love
Hey great to see you, gald you had a Good Easter and loads of yorkshire puds:(
Moms says I can only post once a week, the cheek of it, but this week I can post twice :) cus We do The Photo Scavenger Hunt
Have a good week
Tell mom to let you on the PC more ;)
See Yea George xxx
Woo Hoo, the Thuglets are back!!!! We think you look grand - no need for haircuts. Looks like you all are still having lots of fun there.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We're glad you guys are back! Mom is complaining that we will be needing hAirecuts again soon too!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
hi my friends,
I am so happy to see your happy little faces! You look to me like you are having some fun today running in that tunnel..
here I come,. I want to play too
I missed you and so happy to see you say hi
Glad to see you back, hair and all!! Happy Spring :)
Wyatt and Stanzie
Hiya Thuglets. You seem to be experiencing the same problems as we are. Incompetence on an enormous scale. Two of us are dreadfully fluffy, our blog is woefully behind all because they are digging drives and cutting grass. Hmph It's so not fair!
Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie
So happy to see those adorable faces again!! My PA has been of no use to me, lately, too! It's so hard to find good help! :)
Hi Thuglets - it has been too long without you. Sunshade's mom opened up a grooming biz and you guys would be perfect clients. I realize that it's a ways to come so maybe you could convince Sunshade to bring her mom and Jaffa over to see you guys.
You are looking fabulous but we bet not too fluffy for long!( we know this as we are no longer fluffy...) Love A+A
Hi Thuglets, I've missed your wooly faces. Glad you are back. Hope you got spoilt when mum and dad came back from holidays. No worries, love Carol.
There's six of you in that photo! How long have there been six of you? We're all confused now. Have we been gone THAT long, or are we just not remembering, or maybe we don't know how to count.
Whatever, you all look fabulous!
Jake and Fergi
Glad to see you guys and know that everything is ok.
Thor and Jack xx
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