Saturday 15 January 2011

What to do

Saturday ..

its rainin it's pourin

saturdays can be borin

but not here

cos we got piggie's ear!

Oh well we tried our paws at makin a poem. But we couldn't fit trotters in it!

We thought they looked very scrummy and couldn't wait to eat em. (We are sorry to any veggie friends fur and hooman).

Holly & Teddy.....what you waitin for? Dish em up. We're ready!

Cora....ooooh I'm ready

Very daleicious...Teddy

Cora..sooooooooo yummy! Sorry can't stop to pose.

Cora..can I have some more please?

Webster and Holly trottered off somewhere to hide & eat theirs in peace, away from the camera.

Can you believe it.....we only got to have the ears. We have to wait for the trotters. Or someone, she said we would be sick. We ask you?

Hmmm ....So what to do next?

Have a good weekend everyone.

Big Nose Pokes

The Thugletsxx


Unknown said...

Wow! they sure looked yummy! You're so lucky!!! I wish I could I was there too!

rottrover said...

We got piggy ears when it rained too -- but no trotters. We've never even HAD those. Ah, the depravation we endure...

-The Rottens

brooke said...

lucky pups!

The Boston Lady said...

You lot made out quite nicely with those pig ears! Trotters? The feet? Those sound undigestable, but not to the canine ear probably. Hope it stops raining! Ann TBL

Duke said...

We had piggie's ears only once and we've never had trotters, whatever they might be? We bet they're good though!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Wyatt said...

Now, that is our idea of a rainy day activity! We just cleaned house...can we come over to your house?

Wyatt and Stanzie

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I just KNOW Khousins Merdie and Harley would have helped with eating them too!


Sorry the temperature isn't pawmitting that rain to turn into magikh WHITE stuff!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Trotters? That's a new one to us. We have never had the pleasure of a pig's ear - the Momster says they cause too much trouble between us - how would she know if she doesn't try?

Hope the rain goes away and the snow returns - we loved seeing you all play in the snow.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Wow you guys get great treats. I asked my mom about getting some piggy ears for me and the other kids but she mumbled something about having to ask Janice (our vet), diets (what are those???) so it doesn't sound good. But then mom gave us some BIG cookies. So that's okay. Hope you have a nice weekend. It's raining up here too.

Lorenza said...

They look yummilicious!
Are they homemade??
Happy weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Holy cow, those were real piggies ears freshly made?? You are lucky ducks. Our mama won't let piggies in our house so we can only eye them with great longing.
BRD & Hootie

Sally said...

Yummy, it's look so good.
Here it is not raining, we have sun.

Nice woooh

Jans Funny Farm said...

We're afraid to ask what trotters are, but if you enjoy them, hope you get them soon. We've never had pigs ears. They sound good.

Rudy said...

Yummmm.....those look might tasty, the piggy ears that is. Me and mom have no clue what trotters are. Guess we'll have to do one of those google searches;)


Asta said...

Webstew, Holly ,Cowa and Teddy
I'm dwooling allovew the pootew..those eaws look yummilicious..I can just heaw the cwackly sounds in my mind, heheh..I hope you get the twottews befowe long too.
I suggest a nice comfy bed fow an aftewnoon post meal snooze , then some zoomies and anothew meal
smoochie kisses

julee said...

Pigs ears are looking like they were very tasty! YUMMY

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

What a feast? And there is more to come?!


Thor and Jack said...

I've never had those. They look delicious!

Lucia said...

Ciao, dearest Thuglets!

La mia ragazza sends oooooooodles of thank yous to your mamma for the Mars Coat King info. She went right to the website you suggested and read the recommendations -- they were really helpful! I have a feeling that soon, I, Lucia, will look much tidier (or a complete grooming wreck, depending upon how handy la mia ragazza is with the Coat King ... heeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!).

By the way, la mia ragazza had her morning coffee while looking at the magnificent fotografie on your bloggie. She wishes she could give big huggies to all of the adorable Thuggies!(Heeeeeeeee! I made a piccola poem!!!!)

Tanti baci, sweet amici, and many, many thank yous again for your help!


Two French Bulldogs said...

Hi new friends, that sure looks yummmE. Thanks for stopping by. If you don't mind we are going to follow you around
Benny & Lily

Kari in Alaska said...

my pups have never had those!


Tweedles -- that's me said...

hi sweet friends
i am sorry i have been kind of missing i guess,
but here i am and i read your poem.
I loved your poem.
I had piggie ears once,,, but no trotters,,, they must be good?
i hope you saved some for later, and they did not make you sick,

TwoSpecialWires said...


We discovered duck jerky this holiday. And now ... THIS! My, what we've been missing!

Jake and Fergi