Wednesday 16 June 2010


Helloooooooooooooooooooooo its me Teddy just popped out to say Helloooooooo

YES it's us....we know we said last year that we would be back soon?

Well it took a little longer than we thought! A whole year. Bloomindaleheck!

We have loads to tell, but today has to be a quickie! Cos I am very busy. LOL

Cora our Scottish Princess was 4 last week. She still likes to style herself sort of a bit Zandra Rhodes V Vivien Westood!

Holly is a sun goddess!

Ellie is now 12yrs & 6mths old.

She had us a bit worried recently as she lost a lot of weight. A trip to the vets last week 2 horrid old tootie pegs removed and she is on top form. Brillo paws!

Oh flippin heck..Webster & Dorcus have called time on me puter time. Between you and me....I fink its only cos they don't want me to put their photos up!

Ha ha I'll be on the case soooooooooooooon.

Big Nose Pokes

Teddy the Rocket Man & the thuglets.

P.S. We have a Mega amount of blog reading to do!


The Black and Tans. said...

Hi Thuglets

WE are so pleased you have posted. We do hope to hear about your adventures again, very soon.....

MOlly, Taffy and Monty.

Duke said...

OMG, we are THRILLED beyond thrilled to hear from you! You are all looking wonderful!
I don't want to play favorites, but I'm waving real hard at you, Ellie! I'm going to be 12 soon too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

Ahhh that's better now we can comment.
So, good to see you guys back again. Ellie girl, 12 ay..awesome. Dont go scaring your pinkies again ok.
A whole 12 months, crikey. You must be full of adventures to talk about.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Lorenza said...

OMD! I am so happy to see you again!
1 year! Hmmm...
I will be waiting to know about your adventures!
Kisses and hugs

Nelly said...

Hey Teddy & Thuglets!
It's been so long. But we're sooo glad you're back in blogland.
You're all looking great! Finni is 4 too! and I am going to be 2! Hi Holly, I do that too ... sunbathe on my back ... it's sooo nice.
Looking forward to reading about your adventures soon.
Nelly x

Karen Raye and Bentley Beargrass said...

Hi Thuglets! Nice to meet ya. Glad you came by our blog. You are quite a handsome bunch! We'll be checking your adventures out. Have a good day!

The gang in Houston-town

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Good heavens Thuglets...we've missed you so much...

How is the land excavation coming??? Dug any more holes that need those back hoes???

Please update us again before um next June!!

We love you bucketfuls!!!!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stan

George The Lad said...

Hey nice to meet you, thinks for popping by my blog, looking forward to seeing more posts
See Yea George xxx

Juno said...

Hello guys!!! Thanks so much for stopping by our blog. We're so happy to see you guys again in the blogger world. Welcome back!!!


Momo & Pinot

Miss Ellie and Baz said...

Wow Thuglets, where have you been?
Awesome to see you back blogging.
Your Miss Ellie looks great for 12 1/2. Keep going strong sweet Ellie.

Baz and Miss Ellie xoxox