Teddy says "time for the bath tub was what I heard" ....I was rather puzzled as I didn't know what they meant
I soon found out cos I was first!!
Dorcus was next but soon decided she'd had enough!!! She tried to make her getaway before the camera!
Holly ...... they bathed me as well!
Then Webster re appeared. Gosh Webster..what have u been doing? You do look scary!!
Webster had decided to dry himself off , by rubbing on the wooden green tavernas we have in the yard! LOL
There was a moment of panic when we thought he had actually turned green for good! yikes
Well it was a bit of fun! I'm just a fun type guy...said Webster
As you can imagine after everyone stopped falling about laughing..(we thought K was gonna pee her pants!) Webster the green boy had to be re washed! LOL
Ellie clearly not amused! We think she was trying to get her ears to fly her out of the tub!
Ellie well a girl has to dry off somehow!

Cora's turn..and she has to have the flippin camera out !
Actually we did have a bit of fun ..cos we managed to soak K&A during the tin bath time.....but there was no sign of the camera!
Hope everyone is well..we have loads of catching up to do!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Oh Thuglets
That was so funny! Teddy you really do not look as if you enjoyed your first bath and as for Webster...were you trying to audition for the next Incredible Hulk film?
Molly and Taffy xx
You sure did get drenched and not one of you look too happy about it! OMG, poor Webster had to have two baths! hehehehe
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
w00f's Thuglets, long time no sniff, glad u all iz back..ooo noo, da dreaded baff, i thinks me mite haff to have one today...me iz trying to think of hiding places now...
b safe,
i alwiz feel bathing time is dreadful...
You guys sure can give some bad looks when you are taking your baths. Sounds like quite an undertaking to wash all of you (and keep you from getting green).
pure comedy!! your bath-time looks like quite a mission! Moll - Webster, you look gorgeous whatever colour you are.....
I think you're safe now...until next year!
Love Molly and Gertie
Haaaa Webster, you're hilarious. It's not easy being green......
Ellie, you don't look very happy lol.
Thank you for your concern while I was unwell. Your kind words made me get better so much quicker.
Simba x
Hey Thuglets!!!
Do you guys do the "Aire Dry" like I do? After I get bathed, I zoom around the house, rubbing on everything I can, running as fast as possible and doing somersaults!
I'm trying to picture all of you doing that at the same time!!!!!
Webster, you looked so funny! Like you had green eyeshadow on! And Teddy, your face says it all!
Cassidy x
Tubbie Time can be so fun! We G-Dales love tubbie time. Actually, Roy Boy likes it the best....he FALLS ASLEEP! He likes to let Mumsie rub his ears and his belly and then he gets sleepy...Tee-heee
Keep up the fun palies!
Nose Pokes to you all
The G-Dales
Baths are no fun! You all handled it really well! heehee Poor Webster.
You sure don't look impressed Teddy with your bath. I think youshould tell Webster to lay off the green eye shadow its not his colour.
Ummmmmmmmmmm lets see how clean you last.
Ludo the cool dude
That bath time looks awesome! My human always locks me inside so I don't try to dry off in the dirt!
Hehehehe! You guys are lucky to dry off in the dirt, thus creating mud, and drying off on green stuff!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
How to quiet down theTHUGLETS!!!!
Pull out the tinny-tubby.. whooOOOoo
you guys looked truly miserable...
But we did enjoy the production line
bath. I bet the humans were soaked!
theBUSTER,Ms. Persephone &
Ms. Blue too
Webster...ur green...like a froggie!!!!! Paw slaps to ya, Man...
As for Ellie...did u really roll in that mud right after they bathed ya???? Oh...we bet that went over well!!
Can't imagine how long it takes to bathe 6 dales!!!!!
Barks! Scruffy, Lacie and Babystan
I love your blog! I am also a fellow four-legged friend lover and have two kitties of my own, Mocha and Furball. As I was browsing through the Internet and reading through a bunch of pet blogs, I stumbled upon yours. After going through a lot of entries on your site, I can sense a mutual genuine adoration we have for our animals.
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I have found LocalVets.com to be a great resource for pet owners like us to use when seeking the closest and most suitable veterinarian in their neighborhood. As you have experience with vet visits, you know first hand how dreadful it can be for your pet and even you. Yet, it is inevitable in order to keep our pet healthy and more importantly, when an emergency arises.
There are not enough pet owners who provide their pets with the recommended veterinary visits of twice a year, especially for cats with an average of less than one visit a year. LocalVets.com can provide a directory that will be extremely helpful and effective for the pet owner in locating a veterinarian in their vicinity who can help them with their pet’s necessary treatment.
Let me know if you have a few minutes to discuss an opportunity to include a link in your blog.
Yours Truly,
Wow! Bath time is a real event in your dawg house!!! I thought we had alot of pets in my house but I think you trumped us!
Wow--it's amazing how much a soaked airedale resembles a grazing moose!
You guys are water wizards!
Sephie, Buster & Bailey
Hi. This is Apache here. My mommy wants you to please email her at Scara2929@mac.com She wants to buy US a tunnel. She wants to know were do we find one like yours!?? OMD we are so excited about this!!!
Apache and her tribe
Oh poor old Ellie, she didn't look happy...and she got the best revenge - lying in the dirt LOL.
Miss Ellie and Baz
Last time I had a bath, I dried off by rolling in the dust pile outside. If felt wonderful, until I had to be bathed again. Two baths in the same day! Ugh.
I'm glad you all survived the baths! Good job on soaking your human.
Been missing your posts! Hope you're not having to take anymore baths! heehee
Bath sucks! But good job in messing yourselves up again after your bath. Hee!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hello!! We wonder how you guys are doing. Hope everything is well!!
Momo & Pinot
Hellooooo... :) Here we are again to say woof! We hope you guys are doing well!!
Momo & Pinot
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