Tuesday 19 February 2008

Frosty Morning

Wow is it foggy and frosty here today everything is icey!
Ellie decided to have a howl!

Rocket Man as usual is doing his own thing!

Does he really believe any of us would want his manky bit of chew? Stupid Boy!

We are all very excited as we have a visitor coming to stay on saturday Uncle WIlliam he is Ludo's Hooman brother. We are looking forward to having fun wiff him. He is now in the army as a soldier so especially for him Cora has been excavating another hole so we can use it as a bunker
and as the big wind blew down a huge branch from our trees last week we have saved it so we can play being in the jungle! This is the tree with none other than Rocketman posing!
We can't wait for the weekend and we think we might eveh have Uncle William sleeping in the kitchen with us thuglets or better still camping in the bunker for a night on thuglet exercise cos the bedroom he should be sleepin in is being stripped LOL Everything around here gets stripped or as you will see from our piccies half stripped....she's still trying to catch us!haha

We thought you might like to see Timothy donk this morning waiting for his breakie..
and Jasmine laughing!
Hope everyone out there in blog land is well and we will catch up with you all soon!
Big Cold Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx


Duke said...

hehehehe - Timothy and Jasmine are just adorable! You guys will have a blast with your company and your bunker hole and that nice tree branch that fell just for your entertainment!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Black and Tans. said...

Next weekend sounds as though you will have loads of fun. Who will be the Drill Sergeant for the day?

Molly and Taffy xx

Harry said...

That photo of Jasmine is a classic! I love the frost too, seems it brings out the puppy in all of us!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Amber-Mae said...

Wow, look at you guys having fun outside! Jasmine's smile is sooo funny!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Oooo, it looks cold! I love Timothy's fringe! Has he been having a haircut too? J x

Faya said...

I am cold only by looking at your pictures...brrrrr..... It is cold here but only in the morning (-4°C) but in the afternoon it is already spring (+ 8°C)....
Have a nice week-end and a lot of fun !
Kisses, Faya

Lizzy said...

I love all the pictures! Wow, it sure does look frosty and foggy. It was frost and foggy here yesterday, too, but today it was just frosty.

Hope you're all having a good day!


Lacy said...

woofies Thuglets, ware has u all been...me wuz verwy worried bout u...burrr lookies cold dar...me iz ready fur spring...heehee Timothy and Jasmine iz pawsome...u gonna have soo much fun when ur company comes...

b safe,

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh my goodness Jasmine what big teethies you have lol. Good to see she is smiling for the camera.
You guys are going to have so much fun with Uncle William. Maybe he can show you some army manoeuvres!!!
Have fun.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Princess Patches said...

One human and 6 Airedales! What fun! You probably won't want Uncle William to go home, ever! Good job on that bunker hole!

Poppy & Penny

Princess Patches said...
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Lenny said...

All of your pictures are so fun! I loved the howling and the dancing and the donkeys. It looks like you are having a great time.

Your friend, Lenny

Asta said...

Hi Thuglets!
I've missed you!
I bet youw unkel William will be vewy impwessed with that fabulous bunkew! He might want to give Cora a job..don't let hew go though! I loved the picks of Timothy and Jasmine!! What a nice fwosty mowning...I jhope you keep having a gweat time ..how could you not with such a gweat bunch of you
smoochie kisses

Agatha and Archie said...

That must have been some joke Jasmine is laughing at!! Archie is stillchuckling just looking at her!Have a blast this weekend and Cora, terrific hole(I only wish I could come over and help you with it!!) Love A+A

Alf said...

Great piccies Thuglets. Teddy is looking as cute as ever! and as for Jazmine's teeth - well what can we say - a lovely set of gnashers!

Alf n Mindy

Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

Cool photo's I like the one where Jasmine is having a laugh.
Hope those stables are really mucky and get william to muck them out on Sunday morning.I'm sure it will cure his cough.

Ellie you know how to howel and Teddy please don't pin william down until he submits this weekend he is not a toy hahahahahhaha.
wish i could come and play.


Finni said...

Hi Thuglets!
I suppose it's a good job your mum hasn't finished stripping you yet - you'd be pretty cold in this weather.
Cora's bunker is awesome!
Have fun with William at the weekend!
Finni xx

Stanley said...

Hey, Guys!!

Whoa! That Jasmine sure has some toofers on her! Watch OUT!

Cool that Uncle William will be coming. Sounds like you have his itinerary all ready for him. (Hope he doesn't plan on getting lots of sleep). Wish I could come camp out in the bunker in the backyard. Maybe someday!

Goober love all around,

Bogart H. Devil said...

Particularly excellent work there with the hole-digging :)


cookie said...

Hi there,
That really looks like a frosty morning! We like your tall friends too. Jasmine is funny.

Cookie and crew

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Jasmine is soooo hot..we're thinkin' of settin' her up with Babystan...they'd make quite a couple...she looks like she's smilin' at the idea...or laughing at the Big Lughead!

Catchin' lamb in mid-aire...WOOOOOOOT!!! U guys are pawsome! Come and visit our bloggie sometime...we'd love to have ya!

Lacie and

Dexter said...

Hey guys! I found you through Biggie's blog. That howling action looks like fun!

Dolly & Zoopy said...

Hi Thuglets!

Thanks for dropping by our blog.
There's a total of 6 of you?
Should be fun having so many companions living together..

Dolly and Zoopy

Juno said...

Hello there!! We saw you on Snowy & Crystal's blog and wanted to come by and say HELLO!! You guys are adorable! Jasmine's smile makes us smile! :)

Momo & Pinot

Lorenza said...

Thanks for coming to visit my blog! Sure is nice to meet you all!
I liked all your pictures but that one of Jasmine is very funny!
I hope you had a great weekend
Kisses and hugs

Dexter said...

Hey guys. I added a link to you on my site, so you should link back to me. Stay fuzzy you whacky airedales.


William Tell said...

That Jasmine gives me the giggles.

Those are gorgeous photos of you in the crisp morning air. Would love to have a romp on those grounds, too.

William Tell