Then it was cake time..............I got so excited I couldn't help meself I was so excited I forgot meself and suddenly I was on the table!!
OMD the thuglets to0k a sharp intake of breath and thought he's done it now.but hey it was me birthday and the hoomans forgave me LOL

A very big Fank you to everyone for all my cards and prezzies and special mentions. I had a really great birthday.
Love from
Teddy The Rocket Man x
p.s. we have some more picces to post but our puter is playing up! gggrrrrr
p.p.s. Also I got a really exciting parcel from me sister Mindy whooo hooo
Teddy you certainly look as though you had a great birthday.
Of course you had to put your paws on the table! I mean to say how are you meant to blow out your candle sitting on the floor.
We love the eyes the other side of the table peering up and silently hoping for a large slab of cake.
Molly and Taffy
Great job on squashing the soccer ball, Teddy! What a great birthday you had! Your cake looks awesome! Did you have to share it or did you get to eat the WHOLE THING??!!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What a day!!! And what a HANDSOME big boy collar!!! Very chic!! You got a LOT of great stuff!! Of course you had to go on the table...it was your birthday!!!!!Love A+A
woofies Thuglets!!! boy u hads a grate birfday Teddy...lol me had to go backs to c the eyes, i misseded dat...glad u likied u card!!
b safe,
WOW, looks like you had one great birthday! What cool prezzies. I've noted some that I would like for Christmas (hint hint Mom). I jumped on the table to get closer to my cake too. I think it's an Airedale thing. I hope you all had a great time, and especially I hope all of your birthday wishes come true. Happy Birthday Teddy!
Your pal,
Happy birthday Teddy. Didn't you get lots of nice presents, you lucky boy! Well done on getting onto the table. I tried the other day when there were choccy biccies up there but my back legs let me down, dash it!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Teddy Boy!
You are SOOO grown up now. Of course it's okay to jump on the table... it was your birthday! You don't live with a bunch of cavemen ~ they're enlightened hoomans who know you get to do whatever you want on your big day!
Hope everydog at Thuglet Heaven got big old slabs of cake & had a blast celebrating you!
Glad you were born, buddy.
Goober love and more birthday smooches,
Hey Teddy...or are u Ted now that ur a one year old doggie??? Um...it's much easier to jump right on the table. Scruffy and I do it all the time; u just have to make sure u don't steal anything offa it that ur peeps can catch u with...like pens, checkbooks, papers...except for bills...they like if u chew up bills.
Ur sibs look adorable gathered round the table...u guys have lotsa barkdays a year...what fun!
How's the soccer ball? It looks sorta like u killed it...great job!
Barkday barks, Lacie!!!!!!!!!!
G'day matie,
Yep you're officially a big boy now. Hey, we hope that cake was big enough to share around or did you get it all to yourself????
Hmmm, I've been complaining a bit about this but everyone seems to have gotten a cake for their barkday but ME.....whats going on????
The girls send their best woofs to you Teddy.
Happy belated birthday Teddy! It looks like you had a great time opening all those presents. I like your new collar. I wear collars that colour, too. That big squishy ball looks like good fun!
Finni x
What a smart boy you are Teddy! We love your new collar - and that cake looks just great. Birthdays at the Thuglet Basecamp are just the best :)
Love Molly and Gertrude
Hi thuglets!
I miss you!
I hope all is weel and you'we pwogwessing nicely with youw latest digging pwojects
smoochie kisses
Hey Teddy, looks like you had a pawsome birthday! J x
OMG! Teddy!
What a great birthday you had! Awesome pressies for sure! I especially like the soccer ball!!!!!!
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
Happy Birthday Scorpio friend. Love,Neko
Happy Birthday! So nice to meet you! Have a great weekend!
Happy Birthday, Rocket Man! Hope it was a good one.
William Tell
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