Sunday, 4 May 2008

The things that happen here

We thought you might like to see what the other residents of Basecamp Thuglet get up too..they play with balls and fings as well as us!

This is Ivor" the Thuglet" with their jolly ball and Timothy "the terrorist" behind him. They are a very tricky pair these two!! Always up to something.

Ivor....looks like Eyeore sometimes

Timothy does a little jumpie

Its a very interesting jolly has a handle on it!

and so the boys set off to play

and play

They pushed and they pulled

They went round and round in circles

there was lots of huffing and puffing and snorting noises to be heard!

Tims I shall hang on to your neck until you give me that ball says Ivor ( you fink we dalethuglets play ruff you should see these 2!)

Now here are Holly and they go

Get up there..... and do you know what..when Holly Kicks her heels like that she trumperty..trumperty.. trumps!!!

Go Holly & Jasmine go go go....

So what do ya fink of the show so far thuglets? Impressive or what?

Holly "the wildchild" is sometime verrrrrry naughty she comes charging (and we mean very fast) up to the fence at us...screeches to a halt wiff her hoofies ....and then brays very loudly at us! We in turn all bark and howl she turns kicks her heels trummpty trumps and gallops off!
Then we got a new little football

Rocketman got it first as usual

Poppy (in her coat) Holly "the Wild child" and Ivor "the thuglet"!

then a purtle flying finngie appeared from no off we went to inspect it

the flyin fingie flies Cora got the flyin fingie
Thank you all for commenting on our last hole....sadly it got filled in!

We really must go catch up on all the blogs. See you all soon.

Big Nose Pokes

The Thugletsx

OMD!!!! look whats happened now! we wonder what A will have to say about this latest excavation????